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  1. A way for data grids to display unmapped fields  ·  completed

  2. Add Delete button to "Multiple matches & data differences" queue  ·  under review

  3. Link to Omatic Data Service status page from ImportOMatic plugin

  4. Link to Omatic Data Service status page from ImportOMatic plugin

  5. For MailChimp Connector, add ability to load 'Cleaned' list member data

  6. Shorten Data Transformation - add ability to shorten from front or back

  7. Grant the ability to import DCF ('Data Capture Form') advocacy activities from Engaging Networks to RE via the connector

  8. Ability to map attribute data only if no matching Altru attribute found  ·  completed

  9. Make it so the "Retrieving Data from Luminate" box does not pop up over every other program

  10. Ability to sort or at least hide profile mapping fields for unused/unnecessary data

  11. Allow for email campaigns to be excluded from data push to database of record

  12. BBCRM > LO Formulas - Would like additional fields such as address data to be returned for matching.

  13. Would like the ability to freeze 1st 4 columns ; Without these frozen, they are losing sight of data point information.

  14. We would like the ability to sort data in the Needs attention bucket. This is the way they used to be ordered.

  15. if a new last name is found in a data file, there should be a setting to copy the former last name to Alias.

  16. We would like to set the default value instead of it going to 15 each time (preferably to 100) in the data queue pages.

  17. Add a scoring deduction for deceased records

  18. Add reporting to Queryomatic

  19. Add the ability to pause an import

  20. Build a suppression that does not rely on an Luminate Online group

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