Move old phone number to next sequantial number
Currently I can bring in a phone number to the next available # if that #1 is alreday taken. However, I want to bring in the new phone number as #1 and move the existing #1 to number 2, etc. The only option I have now is to move it to an attribute. So now I have to query on those attributes and move them to the next available slot.

Allison Bolduc commented
People really need this option...lately I am running into users who always prefer to let the new email take over Email while pushing the older one to Email 1, 2, 3, etc. Even just adding the ability to select a "previous" phone type from a drop down would suffice in most cases (similar to treatment offered for previous addresses). Bonus cool points for getting IOM to mark older email as "inactive" if desired!
Maggie commented
As we all cope with an increase in the amount of emails we receive each day the number of individuals with multiple personal and multiple business emails will only continue to increase. You wouldn't want to bump someone's main email address (the one the use for actual correspondence) to the attribute tab just because they later sign up to one of your organization's e-newsletters with their "bulk" email address.
Dovie Gunn commented
As we pull ONLY Email (not email1, 2 or any other) for our eblast lists, we would prefer to be able to add new value for Email, move existing value to another email type - PREFERABLY OF OUR CHOOSING.
Joshua commented
Yes, the popup could appear anywhere on your screen(s) . Sometimes in inconvenient locations.
Wayne commented
I have done this using the API. Let me know if you want the code and I will send it to you. But Omatic should make it built in!