Create a query folder in Raisers Edge so MergOMatic can save for the queries for surviving records and source records
Ability to sort or at least hide profile mapping fields for unused/unnecessary data
HubSpot Email Information Subscription Dates · planned
Support "starts with" or "ends with" in Transformations · completed
Link to open the survivor & merged record query
Omatic Data Service
Make BBCRM Data Forms Available with SFTP Connector · completed
Offer option to only import "extra" address fields (info source, etc.) if completely new
Export Duplicates List
Ability for a better Export Function in List Management
Duplicate data checks between columns
MailChimp Automated Campaign Activity in Omatic Cloud
New Records Duplicate Creation
OC Date transformation for D/M/YYYY · completed
Make it so the "Retrieving Data from Luminate" box does not pop up over every other program
Post Salesforce Payments in Post-to-GL · completed
New Formula Types · completed
Allow clients to point more than one csv file to one IOM profile during import process
We would like to set the default value instead of it going to 15 each time (preferably to 100) in the data queue pages.
Rearrange grid columns & save column order