Export the List of Possible Duplicates
Change the mapping of phone/email attribute
Creating Lists for records imported in Omatic Cloud
Upload source files directly from Integrations/Formulas page
Summary Fields grid update · completed
Do not promote non-constituent records
Deceased indicator
Omatic Cloud Encompass Transactions Merchant Account Filter
Import combined gifts from one line into sepearate gifts in batch.
Allow adding Benefits to existing gifts via IOM import
Add fields to Altru connector (particularly Volunteer) · under review
Add the ability to change the Error.txt file to an excel file
Child object matching on address in Salesforce
Never replace First Name with an Initial
Raiser's Edge - ImportOmatic Packages
Ability to ignore already existing constituency codes
List Management- Globally add, change, delete and import
Allow clients to point more than one csv file to one IOM profile during import process
Adding Revenue Solicitor as mappable field. · completed
Show Run Schedule in History and current last run date