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37 results found

  1. Enable Importing Event Registrations from GiveCampus

    The GiveCampus integration currently supports only importing gifts. Events is another large use for the platform and one we're looking to leverage. Being able to utilize this would improve our process flows greatly.

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  2. Include flat file name on omatic cloud formula history page

    Include flat file name on omatic cloud formula history page. Currently the page shows information like "Formula file upload started," "formula ingestion completed," and "export completed" for the Event column, and details on the number of records processed in the Description column, but it would be nice to include the name of the uploaded file in the Description column so you can easily identify which file was being handled. We use a flat file formula pretty frequently, with unique file names, and this would be very useful.

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  3. Review specific fields that don't match the source destination

    When importing we are overriding values in our destination system that we may not want to. For example, field X has a value of A in the source data and value of B in the destination - we'd like a way to review this prior to sending to the destination (similar to data differences) so we can make a choice if it's overridden or not. Ideally we'd be able to define these fields as they are unique to our organization and business rules.

    This is similar to the following idea but seemed a little different. Other idea:

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  4. Reprocess without Re-matching

    Currently, when editing a formula you need to reprocess the data for the changes to take effect. What would be nice is there was an option to reprocess the data without needing to do the rematching.

    For example, I edited a transformation after pulling in 100k records. Specifically updated the comments which is Defined not matched. Another example would be updating a transformation on a field that is not being matched by or routed by.

    So essentially is an field is not being used to match or to route, then there is no reason to have to re-do the record…

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  5. Automatically delete $0 "donations" when importing

    Third party workplace/matching gift platforms (i.e. Benevity) will often provide import documentation that contains either an individual contributions OR a company matching gift - leaving the other field to contain a $0 "donation."

    When uploading those files through Omatic Cloud - the $0 "donation" is pulled into the "Needs Attention" queue and require the user to manually delete.

    Omatic should create a functionality that would allow users to set conditions in their formulas to automatically delete these $0 "donations."

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  6. Add fields to Altru connector (particularly Volunteer)

    There is no import template available in Altru to import into a Volunteer record. This would be a gamechanger for our organization as we will have to manually enter and match volunteer data. We have the pathways set up in Omatic Cloud and we will not have enough data to warrant using ImportOmatic.

    There are other fields that we have come across that would be helpful as well. I have not noticed any updates made to the Altru connector other than the move from OIC to Omatic Cloud. I am happy to share other fields that would be helpful if…

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    Hi Jacky,

    Thanks for the suggestion.  Can you be more specific about which volunteer fields you would want to have included?  In addition, you mentioned other data you would like to see available, can you share that information as well?

    Thank you

    Steve Brewer

  7. Release Note Subscriptions

    Allow users to subscribe for Release Notification emails and maybe even default that they're sent to client site admins. It could be as simple as a quick email saying when there will be a new release and a link to your Release Notes webpage (

    With other vendors, I add these notes to my work calendar so it's on my radar when changes are coming and helps me triage when something hiccups unexpectedly.

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  8. Allow pulling an unsubscribe list from constant contact

    Currently cannot pull this list. We tried to set this up pulling from the edit date, but that date is not updated when a contact unsubscribes. How else can we pull an unsubscribe list from constant contact?

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  9. allow to import non-constituent participant records

    We would like to be able to load non-constituents into events as participants via the cloud integration.

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  10. Every Action Enhancement: Add Origin Form Name

    Can we please add Origin Form Name as a mappable field in the Contributions endpoint for Every Action?

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  11. Salesforce Opportunity Name: Only Add if New

    When adding a new opportunity SF requires an Opportunity Name, but Salesforce ends up changing the name after the opportunity is added anyway. When an opportunity is updated it will change the name to whatever you have mapped as the Opportunity Name. Then a workflow is needed to change them back.

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  12. 3 votes

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  13. Add ability to filter transactions from Engaging Networks

    It would be nice to be able to filter incoming Engaging Networks transactions by the status. The status being returned from Engaging Networks is either "success" or "reject" and we'd like to be able to filter the declined, or rejected, transactions.

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  14. Another User Role for Running Formulas

    There is a User Role in Omatic Cloud for "Formula Producer" that grants "the ability to create, run, and modify all the formulas".

    It would be nice to have a role for only running a formula. There are times we want someone to be able to run a formula, but don't want them to edit it.

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  15. Pull All Records Through BBCRM Query

    Ability for all records to be pulled through BBCRM

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  16. Turn on the Engaging Networks QueryResult connector

    Turn on the Engaging Networks QueryResult connector so we can import custom query results from EN to RE. At the moment it asks for a login email address and password when you try to use it, as well as the website URL of your EN instance. But when we try to use it with our details it says "Invalid Credentials! Authentication Failed! Username/Password is incorrect" even though we are using our correct details.

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  17. Update the Engaging Networks / Raiser's Edge connector to allow mapping to the Origin Source field in Engaging Networks

    There is a field in Engaging Networks called Origin Source which shows what caused someone to sign up to our mailing list. I would like to be able to bring this information from EN to RE, as well as push information from RE to EN if we are uploading new records).

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    Hi Sonia,

    Thanks for your suggestion here.  We are currently reviewing this idea.  From our research it appears as though the Origin Source may only come from the Bulk Export API (which is what Omatic uses to pull data from Engaging Networks) on the transaction that created the constituent in Engaging Networks.  I am trying to find more information about this.  As a result, I want to confirm how you intend to use this field so we can be sure we are considering your use case.  

    Can you share when you intend to use this origin source data?  Is this donation transactions or some other type of transaction that you are pulling from Engaging Networks that you hope to have this field available to use?  Anything else you can share about your intent and intended use would be helpful.

    Thanks again.

    Steve Brewer

  18. Custom Fields in Every Action Connector on Contributions

    It looks like custom fields are available for Contributions in the EveryAction connector, but we can't access the Contribution custom fields that are available on the Recurring Commitment formulas. Example--we're looking for a custom "Fund" field that has been created to further breakout gifts, but we are not able to map to this right now for recurring commitments. The custom field is available on the contribution.

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  19. Allow matching on fuzzy address formats

    Incoming address may be the same as existing, but with different format. We do not want to overwrite the existing address with one that has an incorrect address format and be constantly doing data clean up to correct. Need an option to only update address if it is different from existing address by a percentage. If it is 90% the same, then don't update address. OR it should give value update option, as it does if incoming title is different

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  20. Organization Information in "Verify your account" email

    When adding a user to an account, it would be helpful to see the Org Name and potentially the tenant name associated with the email verification. The current email does not include any identifying information and makes confirming access challenging. It would be much easier for users to be able to directly click on the OC URL from the "Verify your email/account" email that is sent out when a user is given access to an OC instance.

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