I Wish Importomatic Could Update Existing Addresses by Matching on Type
Hi. I wish Importomatic could update existing Addresses by matching on Address type, like you currently can with updating existing Constituent Alias by matching on Alias type.
We have an address type that is used only used for a very specific type of Address and use. The address type in our system is "Mailroom". This address will only get updated with an employee's mailpoint number that work in our organization. The mailing room for our organization will recognize this mailpoint and can mail items directly to other employees instead of going to the US Post Office, just by using their mailpoint address. The employee is only supposed to have 1 Mailroom address.
Currently Importomatic will try to compare the items in the address line 1, line 2, city, state, zip of the incoming Mailroom address, to see if it is in any address of any address type. This slows down the process and requires the user to manually inspect each address IOM thinks the Mailroom address is similar to.
It would be nice if IOM could match and update by Address type only.
Thank you.