Option to Stop the Import at any point
Hi. I wish there was an option to stop or abort the Importomatic import at any time and on any pop-up window during the import process. Currently I can only press Escape (ESC) button on the duplicate matching pop up window or I can press the X button on the import process window to cancel the import. When any of the other pop up windows are showing during the import process, for example the “Compare Bio Field Value Changes” pop up window, I cannot press ESC or press the X on the Import Process window to close the import.
I use Importomatic to import different types of information into RE. Sometimes I don’t import address information or something to trigger the duplicate matching pop windows. If I am importing a large list and it is showing the compare bio field value changes pop up for every record, there is no way I can stop the import.
Today I had this issue, I even tried using the windows task manager to close Importomatic and restarting my computer. Even when I did this, when I logged back into RE, it picked up the import where I left off. It wouldn’t let me escape. I wanted to edit my import profile so it wouldn’t ask me about these bio 1 tab changes on every record.
It is very frustrating when you might have a large list, and maybe made a mistake in setting up the IOM import profile. You can waste a lot of your work day time having to sit through the whole list when you can’t cancel the import even by restarting your computer.
We are hosted by Blackbaud and on version of Importomatic.
Thanks for listening to my ImportOmatic user interface feedback.
Thank you.