Ability to control which users can see specific import profiles
We are starting to have quite a few import profiles (about 30) but most users only need access to 2 or 3 based on what they do here. It would be great to be able to restrict or mark which profiles show up for each user in the import processing list. That way they will not accidentally run an incorrect import and they won't have to scroll through a lot each time. To make it even sweeter it would be great to be able to set a default profile per user instead of for the installation as a whole.

There are a few ways we can address this issue, based on current and planned functionality in ImportOmatic. If you haven’t already done so, we recommend adding Tags to your profiles, which will allow users to quickly filter to the profiles they want to see.
However, we’re also considering the ability to restrict profiles to specific users. We would love to hear more comments on how your team divides responsibility for different profiles. Do the same people who run a profile also create it? Do multiple people on a team need access to the same profile, but not other teams? What’s your scenario?
Thanks, and we’re looking forward to hearing more feedback!
The Omatic Team
Bradley commented
I have a profile that I use that only provides a output query of matched constituents so we can look for deceased constituents in the database.
It matches on First name, Last Name and DOB.
As this profile does not do any actual updates to the data, I would like to allow other users access to it so they can process the files from external sources and get a query that they can then double check to ensure that the IOM match is 100% correct before marking the record as deceased.
Dovie Gunn commented
Totally agree - would prefer to have more granular security - but not a complex structure. This seems a reasonably simple solution.
Therese Morris commented
Different people create and run different profiles based on their job.