Ability to move profiles and heirarchy templates in the list
To maintain order in SOM, it would be very helpful to be able to change the list order of profiles and of hierarchy templates. It would be an extra bonus to be able to group them in "folders" of some kind. This would allow orderly management of these items. This is similar to the request made for ImportOmatic profiles to be reordered in the list; perhaps the same coding could accomplish both. Drag and drop functionality would be ideal.

Jen Claudy commented
Basic sorting should be available everywhere... It would also be great to be able to mark either/both as Inactive and hide those (like in IOM).
Karen Burlingame commented
The longer we use SegmentOmatic, which we LOVE LOVE LOVE, the more of an issue this has become. New Heirarchy Templates are added to the bottom, so the only way we can find anything now is by knowing about when the creator created it. Any movement expected here? Thank you for considering!
Karen Burlingame commented
Or sort it or ANYTHING. We use SegmentOmatic for nearly every list we pull these days, and we love it, but even though we have great naming conventions for our hierarchies, we have difficulty find them on the list. Please consider adding this ability. It'd be most welcomed. :)