Seperate "Add New" and "Updated" No Valid Address
Be able to add an address with "No Valid Address" ticked.
Sometimes we get online donations from invalid or incomplete addresses from new donors, and would like to be able to add the address with the "No Valid Address" as ticked, but in the same import file, would want any updated addresses for existing donors that are updated to be unticked as "No Valid Address". Can this Constituent Default option be split out to give us the option of "for updated" addresses and "for new" addresses
Erin commented
Hi Omatic Team.
The data file we are importing is an Online Donations file downloaded from our website CMS. Some addresses are blank (address not advised by the donor), or invalid/incomplete.
We have a macro that runs over the file and makes the necessary changes (adding e-receipt attributes to predefined columns, adding Yes to a No Valid Address columns for the import) for those addresses that are found to be invalid.
We have "clear no valid address when updating or adding" ticked in the defaults settings, as we want to update address changes for those who do provide a valid address update. But for those new addresses that are invalid, we want them marked as No Valid Address (as per our import profile) so that our system doesn't generate a receipt or mailings to them. However I believe by having the default, ticked it actually removes the tick as the address is being added as new in the data import.
So by separating these options, it means when adding a new constituent we can import then as No Valid Address ticked, withouht needing to run a follow up action.
Hope that helps -
Hi Erin,
This is an interesting challenge. Can you tell us a little more about how you know whether an address is invalid or incomplete during the import? Are you configuring the import to show you every address change and then making the call on a case-by-case basis, or are you using some other method like a dictionary that looks for blank fields?
The Omatic Team
Kristina commented
This would save running a query and lots of manual updates... love your suggestion Erin!