Include Information in List Management Online User Guide
Hi. When I am working in a List Management non-constituent record in RE, if I add certain fields to the non-constituent record such as birthday, gender, etc… and click “Save and Close” it will automatically promote the non-constituent to a full constituent without asking me first. Can Omatic please create a document for List Management users that has a list of RE fields that if you change on a non-constituent record it will automatically promote them to a full constituent? I did not see this info listed anywhere, sorry if I missed it. It would be helpful to know this information and maybe it could be included in the List Management Online User Guide. It is very frustrating if I want to keep a LM non-constituent a non-constituent, and I am adding more info to their record for RE to automatically promote them to a full constituent when I click “save and close”. Also when we start using RE NXT we are charged per the number the full constituent records (not charged for non-constituents), so it would be helpful for cost wise purposes to know this information.
Thank you.
The addition of basic biographical fields should not promote the record to a full constituent. Here is are the details:
"Non-biographical data (which will trigger a full constituent) for List Management imports includes: assigned solicitors, financial relationships, gifts, memberships, or tributes. Non-constituent records in List Management may include the following types of fields, without creating a constituent record: actions, appeals, attributes, constituent codes, individual relationships, notes, organization relationships, or ratings."
^This information was previously found here We've since clarified and copied it to a few other places for clarity too. Thanks for the tip!
In the latest version of ImportOmatic with List Management, we've added a feature that makes it easy to correct any accidental promotions. You can now demote records back to being nonconstituents, right from within the list! You can review the functionality here: If you're hosted by Blackbaud, you will see this when you are updated to If you're not hosted by Blackbaud, you can download it to day by logging in to your account!