Match on the actual phone number (not just type) when importing phone numbers
We would like the ability to match on the actual phone number or email (not just phone type) when importing phone numbers. We have a file of wrong phone numbers from our phonathon vendor. I would prefer to update these numbers through IOM instead of manually updating the records one by one.

Hi, Omatic here! After reviewing this request, we think we may have misunderstood Joan’s initial request when we responded quite awhile back. We’ve corrected the suggestion’s status, but we also included the initial response below for context. Please feel free to continue to vote on the idea and add your comments!
Previous response – Hi Joan, IOM already matches on any email address. We already have phone number matching scheduled for the next big release, but you can have it now simply by mapping your phone numbers as email addresses in your Import-O-Matic profile (RE treats phones and emails pretty much the same).
Keleigh Allen commented
We end up with SO many duplicate phone and email entries because it is matching on type instead of the actual phone or email data. It requires constant cleanup after imports because of this. We also end up with way more email types and phone types than we actually need because its adding more numbers to the end for Email 3, Email 4, Cell phone 3, Cell phone 4, etc. I also wish I could give this more than three votes.
Morgan Humphrey commented
I agree, the inability to do this causes a large volume of duplicated phone numbers in our database and confusion for our gift officers. This necessitates time-consuming regular clean up - if it's already mapped on a donor record, regardless of the Phone Type, we should be able to avoid re-adding it to the donor record.
dglaser commented
I really hope this change happens. It has always seemed strange to me that it was the Type that was matched and not the actual number or email. As a result of this issue we have hundreds of duplicate phone numbers and emails and it requires constant cleanup. It also affects Scoring that we do on our records that notes the number of contacts that we have for someone. The contact score is inflated if the same phone number or email is listed on a record multiple times with different types. I cannot urge IOM strongly enough to adopt this change as quickly as possible. I wish I could give it more than three votes.
Sue Christensen commented
I hope Omatic is really considering this. We are doing staff and education imports and making our database messy by getting duplicate emails and phone numbers because they are a different type. We really need to be able to match on the phone or email number rather than the type or we just have to ignore the incoming data and hope that we have the most current data already in our database. This is not a good solution for us.
Anonymous commented
I hope this is still being considered! I would like to be able to mark emails as DNC or inactive when matching on an email in an import instead of going into RE, downloading email importIDs, and then reimporting to mark those fields.
Anonymous commented
Emails are being duplicated in the system rather than match. 99% of our emails are under "E-mail" but when it imported it wants to look at "E-mail 1" type rather than "E-mail" type. How can we make the "E-mail" type as the first priority mapping. Perhaps it should match the email number rather than the email type.
Joan Shofner commented
How exactly do I do this? I'm mapping the phone number to the "constituent email - address" in the field map but it is not affecting the number already in RE. If I have the number 501-450-3421 listed in RE with 'business' as the phone type, I need IOM to match 501-450-3421 in the import file to the record in RE and change the phone type in RE from 'business' to 'wrong number'. The phone type is not listed in the import file; therefore, I need IOM to match on the actual number - not the phone type.