It would be great if we could mark the primary business address as the preferred address.

Anonymous commented
It is not at all uncommon for constituents to have their work address as their preferred address--not everyone gets their mail at home from nonprofits. I have seen this a lot at Junior Achievement, Make-A-Wish, and now a new client I'm working with. In fact, many people have their relationship with nonprofits through their work affiliation. So please make it possible to mark a primary business relationship address as the preferred address. Thanks. Bill (Bill Connors)
jksmth commented
This might also be helpful for us, and I wish Importomatic had another similar option.
When we import new constituents into RE sometimes they just have an organization that they work for and the organization address. When we import the constituents we have the business be marked as the primary business if another business is not already the primary business. When you look at the records after the import many of the new constituent's address fields are completely empty and blank. The import added a business relationship, business address, and made the business the primary business. But it did not make the business address as primary if they did not already have a primary address. It would be nice if there was an option to mark the business address as the primary address if there is not already an address. Thanks!
Meg Hilletework commented
My research team imports hundreds of names with business addresses for invitation mailings. It would make importing so much easier if we could mark the primary business address as the preferred address.
Anonymous commented
I agree. I always end up with duplicate Business address that's not linked to the Relationship tab on a Constituent's record. The system doesn't recognize Primary address as also a Preferred one. Importing 2,000 records at a time makes for a lot of clean up.
Art Bryman commented
This would be really useful when we import a file where some or all records are individuals with a business address. The ability to import a "business" for an individual, without having to map all of the fields for an organization relationship, would take care of this issue as well.