Dynamic dictionaries based on queries
Allow custom SQL database queries in segmentation
Create a query folder in Raisers Edge so MergOMatic can save for the queries for surviving records and source records
Remove possible duplicates based on a query.
Link to open the survivor & merged record query
Create pre-merge queries of records selected as duplicates
Emma Response API - Mailing ID · completed
Pull All Records Through BBCRM Query · under review
Highlight data differences in 1:N data grids · completed
Ability to filter Salesforce Donations for Posting based on a Salesforce Report (Query) · completed
Customize CSV header/data row separators for Data File Export Connector
Omatic Data Service
Add an option within VIP Processing to 'create exception' if a record meets the VIP query criteria
Title part of data differences
Allow gift attributes data to be imported when importing new gift data via ImportOmatic
Sample Data (not enough of it)
Allow LM export to return multiple rows for one record if that record has multiple relationships defined in the RE query.
Parse part of the incoming data · completed
Option to get user input when incoming data doesn't match existing data for specified fields · started
Add ability to move data from BBCRM to Omatic Cloud using Export Definitions