Ability to filter Salesforce Donations for Posting based on a Salesforce Report (Query)
Currently, the only filters available for gathering Salesforce donation transactions for P2GL posting include Stage, Campaign, and first-class Date fields on the Opportunity object. Very often, clients have data in other objects in Salesforce that drive the post process. (Payment object and custom object data elements are often needed for filtering.)
Ideally it would be nice to be able to export transactions based on a Salesforce report (query). This would only work if there were less than 2000 records due to the limit that Salesforce imposes, but clients could control the records appearing in the report themselves by posting more frequently or filtering on different fields available in Salesforce within the report.

Stu Manewith commented
Nonprofit finance managers have an imperative need to select/gather donation records for posting based on how they reconcile with bank deposits. This is typically done by querying/filtering/selecting on payment information, including payment processor, payment received date, and other values that are currently not part of Omatic's P2GL filtering options for Salesforce. Being able to use a Salesforce Report for this type of donation information or other custom object as a record selection tool would be a huge benefit to these organizations.
(Edited by admin)