Build a suppression that does not rely on an Luminate Online group
Currently we use LO group (query based) for suppression in formula 1 to exclude undesirable records, records only have name and email, records come from facebook signup/donation, etc. However, there are 2 major limitations to these query based LO groups:
Query tool in LO has a very limited selection, and we can not access and use
'Last Modified By' field. The reason we want to use that field is:
a. Users (admin) need to update records in LO: merge, update bio info, etc.
b. Background processes also update LO records: calculate Engagement FactorGroup can only be rebuilt Once per Day as most frequent option, which usually happen at evening. As formula 1 continuously pulling data, the new signups and updated records will bypass the suppression because the rebuild interval/lag time is usually 24 hours. As such, many spambots created records end up in New Records queue, and we have to manually check and delete each record. This is one of major pain point for us. Can Omatic build some suppression that does not rely/depend on LO group? Ideally this suppression is based on these factors:
o Only active records;
o Suppress based on 'Last Modified By' usernames;
o Suppress Name+email only records;
o Suppress email start with 'devnull+fb' for facebook donors;