Allow 'Replace' transformation option to include operators for 'greater than', 'less than' and 'between'
It would be great to be able to specify a range in order to have more conditional behavior within the 'Replace' transformation. For example, if I want to assign the gift letter code or acknowledgement status based on the gift amount.

Brandon L Nieves commented
Having a transformation around numerical values can help automate the coding of gifts, in terms of letter codes and acknowledgement status for RE NXT and Luminate Online integration. For example, if we receive an online gift from someone that has given $500 or more, we would like to mark the gift as "Needs acknowledgement" with the appropriate letter code.
The same goes for a scenario where Offline gifts are entered into a Luminate Online TeamRasier. With Offline autoresponders for offline gifts enabled, if someone gives a $500 gift or larger and they do not have an email address, it would be helpful to code them as needing a paper acknowledgement when syncing to RE NXT.
Kim Leblanc commented
Currently there is no way to use transform to check numeric fields for specific content. For example, if I want to check a gift amount field to see if it is eligible for a receipt or if I want to check to see if a gift date is greater than a specific date - I can't currently do that. This feature would meet some very basic needs in transformations.
Megan Gartner commented
Transformation logic around comparison values (greater than, less than, in-between, etc.) would be great. In one scenario this could be used if you're assigning Con Codes to constituents based on a specific gift amount (< 50 would be a "Low Donor Amount")