Classic Products
438 results found
Have a search function within all aspects of IOM (Dictionaries, inside Profiles, among all profiles, etc.)
As the number of import profiles and dictionaries has grown, it would be great to be able to search which profiles contain certain fields mapped or which dictionaries are used in which profiles. Also, within a specific import profile, it would be great to search for a specific mapped field to know if you've already mapped to a specific field and find where it has been applied quicker and easier. This would help manage our dictionaries and profiles better as our RE coding change and we need to update all relevant profiles, etc.
9 votes -
Add an option to "Create A Relationship" between potential duplicates, not just Mark as not a duplicate
MergeOmatic often finds family members at the same address but who are not duplicates. I want to mark them not a duplicate, but it is also useful if I can create a relationship between them for future reference. A shortcut for this to speed it up would be really helpful.
9 votes -
Remove assigned appeals in mass in List Management
when you add an appeal in error, there is currently no way to remove this appeal except one by one. if the list is large, it will take hours to remove it.
9 votes -
Allow import of multiple addresses in one pass
I think it would be great if I could import multiple addresses in one pass (Home, postal, business, overseas home etc). It could possibily use a function similar to the "relationship" function where they could be grouped - like when adding multiple education.
Thanks!9 votes -
Speed the entering of record and value types when creating profiles
Selecting record and value types when creating a profile can be quite time consuming. I have four ideas that could potentially speed this up:
1) Have a button which attempts to guess record and value types based on field names. For instance, if I have a column headed "Gift Amount", it is highly likely that I'll want it to be stored as a "Amount" value within a "Gift" record.
2) Select multiple rows and set them all to one record type. Often data files will naturally be arranged with similar fields adjacent to one another. It would be really useful…
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9 votes
Import Foreign Currency
We would like ImportOmatic to have the ability to import gifts in foreign currency. The following fields would be needed for this:
Gift Currency Amount
Gift Currency Country
Gift Currency Exchange Rate
Gift Currency Receipt9 votes -
allow user to quit import even if you have the side by side bio comparison window up.
The feature to close the import is great but if you are using the side by side comparison window you can't use it. Or you have to be really quick and go from skip row to close before another side by side comparison window comes up. Took me 12 tries!
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9 votes
Allow users (other than supervisors) to delete multiple records in List Management
Currently, only users with Supervisors rights are allowed to delete multiple records in List Management as a group. All other user rights levels are only able to delete one records at a time.
As many of the users who actually work in the product do not have supervisory rights, it seems inefficient to not allow them to delete multiple records in List Management, especially since they can delete individual rows one at a time.
8 votes -
I'd really like to be able to keep the ‘old’ email/phone but make it inactive when adding a new one (which would be the active one).
8 votes -
When matching to non-constituents add ability to open record that contains the non-constituent relationship
I want to see where the relationship is, not just the relationship.
8 votes -
Add Receipt Stack as an import field for AU and NZ stamped database
The Receipt Stack field is a field that can be import using Administration - Import - Gift import type but this field is not an IOM import field, please add. Both AU and NZ stamped database utilise this field.
8 votes -
It would be great if there was an option to add Constituent ID to output files like it currently can add Import ID.
I would like to have the option to add Constituent ID to output files in the same way that you can currently add Import ID to output files.
8 votes -
Duplicate Search Matching Results-add "Add as New Record and Link as Relationship" button
In the "Duplicate Search Matching Results" window, we often see existing RE constituents who are related to the incoming record. There should be a button that lets us select an existing RE record, create a new RE record for the incoming record, and add the new record as a relationship to the existing record. This would be the "Add as New Record and Link as Relationship" button.
8 votes -
Default Sets for Relationships
Importing relationships is an important function of IOM. When building an import file containing relationships, however, there are fields populated with redundant information that could instead be better represented through the use of a default set. Fields such as Relationship, Reciprocal, Date From, Print Position?, Primary,? and Employee? generally do not differ and end up containing identical information.
Furthermore, since the content or meaning of these fields is usually understood to be obvious simply by their existence in the import file, the original data file most likely will not contain these fields. That the individual is Employee of their Employer…
8 votes -
Allow manual search for records that error or exception out. Especially in the case of those returning with 502 "over 100 records match"
When IOM throws an exception, it is a pain to go back and edit a file then run a re-import process for something small like a mis-typed zip code. More critically, the new error that ignores an import line if there are over 100 matches is particularly frustrating because it forces the user to use less complex matching options (bad when importing/matching lots of records), or have to spend lots of time after the import manually making entries for records that have too many false matches. It would be better to allow the user the option to manually search for…
7 votes -
allow process date in List Managment Tasks/ Workflows for adding a new attribute
Currently when adding a attribute using task sets and workflows the date is static. This should be able to have the process date so that task set does not have to be updated before applying.
7 votes -
Have the option to view if a constituent is head of household in the duplicate search results columns.
I would love to see a column where we could see if HoH is checked on a particular record during import.
7 votes -
Ability to ignore already existing constituency codes
The options for importing a constituency code that already exists are updating, adding new, or creating an exception. It would be great if there was a way to ignore the value so the date stays what it was originally. That way, we can preserve historical data.
7 votes
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