Create pre-merge queries of records selected as duplicates
Allow LM export to return multiple rows for one record if that record has multiple relationships defined in the RE query.
Make column order in data grids "sticky" per user · started
Remove possible duplicates based on a query.
Ability to filter Salesforce Donations for Posting based on a Salesforce Report (Query) · completed
Add the ability to pause an import
Append data into a the notes field of a pre existing Notepad record.
Shorten Data Transformation - add ability to shorten from front or back · completed
We have observed that Adding gift rule pop-ups do NOT appear when importing data with ImportOmatic (but they do with manual data entry).
Allow custom SQL database queries in segmentation
if a new last name is found in a data file, there should be a setting to copy the former last name to Alias.
Move old phone number to next sequantial number
Parse part of the incoming data · completed
Dynamic dictionaries based on queries
Sync Entire RENXT List to Data Source · completed
Option to get user input when incoming data doesn't match existing data for specified fields · started
Allow import of gift specific data on existing gifts
Allow users to restrict profile editing
Pull Tribute Data from the Encompass Transactions
Allow matching on fuzzy address formats · under review