Add the ability to pause an import
It would be nice to be able to pause an import, head into mail, query, etc, and then resume importing at a later time!

Mark Barnes commented
It's a bit ridiculous no progress has been made on this in the last seven and a half years. This could be relatively easy to get most of the way to solving this. All it would need would be for ImportOmatic to prompt the user to generate a 'skip rows' or exception file when an import is cancelled. That way we could later easily import the rows not yet imported, without having to remember row numbers and edit files.
jksmth commented
Hi. Omatic software, currently pressing the ESC key does not allow you to stop the import at any time. The only time it will let me press the ESC key is in an address comparison window. I added a new "idea" for the ESC key to work any time during the import. Thank you.
Art Bryman commented
You don't need to stop an import, however, to launch another Raiser's Edge instance. In Windows 7 and up, even while the import is running, right-click on the RE icon in the taskbar, and left-click "Raiser's Edge" in the menu that pops up. A new instance of Raiser's Edge will open. This will take up an additional RE license, so it may not be advisable if you run out of licenses often. This will work with all other programs - Office, browsers, etc.
I will second the request for a graceful import shutdown, before the import is complete. I've been working on a multi-thousand record import. It would be nice to stop it, so that it generates an exceptions file with all of the unimported rows, if unexpected maintenance is announced that will disrupt my network connection.
Another taskbar tip - turn off combining taskbar buttons, to avoid having to hover over the RE icon to switch between open windows. Right-click on Start button, left-click on properties, go to the Taskbar menu, and change "Taskbar buttons" to "Never combine".
jksmth commented
Thank you for the tip "Omatic Software"! This is helpful!
Hi Ashley,
You can actually just click the Escape key on your keyboard during an import and IOM will ask you if you want to stop at that point. It will log on which import row number the import was cancelled, so you can remove the rows that have already been processed from the source file and start importing it again later. It's not perfect, but it sounds a lot better than shutting down RE completely.
Omatic Software
Ashley Helie commented
Please! I can't tell you how many times I've had to completely shut Raiser's Edge down to stop an import when someone needs something "right now".