Parse part of the incoming data
Would like to see the ability to Parse only a part of the incoming data. (ie. In plugin we can use the RegEX Parse First Name dictionary found on the Commonly Used Regular Expressions page to return only the first word in a series of words.) Would like to be able to do that in OC as well, so when the data file contains Mickey & Minnie it imports only Mickey.

Thank you for this idea! There will be a new transformation type being released tomorrow in Omatic Cloud called "Split". With this new transformation type, you can set criteria that parse out values from within a string of data. For example, if you have a string of gift amounts separated by semi colons, you’ll be able to divide those values and return specific items. In order to parse out the first word of a string, you would split the string using space as the separator, and return the first position of text.
Be on the lookout for this new transformation in Omatic Cloud tomorrow!
Kristen Gajdica