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77 results found

  1. Add connector for Marketo

    Add a connector for RE and Marketo to capture consent/solicit changes and campaign results to Actions.

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  2. Skip Days for Scheduling (Allow for weekday only)

    Currently, you can only select daily or weekly. I think it would be beneficial to have it only run on Weekdays. That way records don't pile up over the weekend and risk duplicate records from showing up if multiple changes happened. This has happened when people submit multiple surveys or they have multiple scheduled gifts. And there is no way from the interface to tell which record is the latest.

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  3. Constant Contact Preference Updates

    It does not look like there is currently a way to reflect preference/interest updates from CC. You can see who is on a list, but there is no way to see if a contact has been removed or not on a list in CC.

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  4. Applying Gift to Head of Household (HOH)

    Would like to apply incoming gift records to the Head of Household in Raiser's Edge, even if the gift matches the email address of the spouse. If the gift matches to the spouse email address, spouse will also receive soft credit.

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  5. Allow phone match as a search scenario

    Currently, OC does not have phone number available as a search scenario even when phone is mapped within a formula. This is essential to have because we otherwise wind up with unnecessary duplicates that could have been prevented.

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  6. Duplicate data checks between columns

    It would be helpful to have the ability to compare fields in different columns to each other, to check for duplicate values. For example, when we're working with files that contain more than one address, email, phone etc. while being able to either blank out the value if its a duplicate of another field, or keep it if it isn't.

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  7. Omatic Data Service

    We currently have a subscription to Omatic Data Service with IOM to find fuzzy match duplicates during import. This service has been critical in reducing the number of duplicates created in the database. Will ODS be available in IOM+? I'm concerned that duplicate records will start to increase without it. This becomes a big issue after year-end when preparing tax receipt letters if donors have gifts spread over multiple records.

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  8. Include Marketing Source Code and Receipt Stack

    Please include the following fields for mapping:
    - Marketing Source Code
    - Receipt Stack

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  9. Add connector for RENXT and Cvent

    Add a connector for RE and Cvent to capture new/updated contact and consent updates and event campaign outcomes.

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  10. Advanced Name Processing for Omatic Cloud

    Currently there is only a way to have exact matches on records. It would be helpful to have an Advanced Name matching option in Omatic Cloud, which is similar to the IOM option to score likelihood that a similar record exists in the system.

    When a similar record is found, the records could go to Needs Attention for review, with an option to create New or Match.

    The example of this is if a last name has an extra space or with multiple last names with a hyphen separating them.

    It is faster for me to review Needs Attention records,…

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  11. Enable Importing Event Registrations from GiveCampus

    The GiveCampus integration currently supports only importing gifts. Events is another large use for the platform and one we're looking to leverage. Being able to utilize this would improve our process flows greatly.

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  12. Split gift by percentage

    Add the ability to transform gifts by a set percentage of the gift amount in order to create a split gift with multiple funds. Example, 80% of the gift to one fund, 20% to another

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  13. 1 vote

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  14. Show "Incoming Date/Time" of Record During Matching

    We currently have a problem if the record comes in multiple times, we don't know which record is the latest one. You almost have to export the data and review it column to column for an individual.
    It would be nice to include the date/time when the record was added to the matching screen. Right now we can see date/time for exceptions, so it would be nice to see that on the matching.

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  15. Enforce Default Data Differences Selection During Setup

    It would be great to make the "Default Data Differences" selection more transparent to the user during setup. It opens them up to the risk of overwriting data in mass if they are sending records from the "Ready" bucket and have left the default difference as Source and have not switched it to Destination.

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  16. Excessive number of duplicates - when donors give twice within same flat file

    If a donor donates twice within the same flat file, Omatic Cloud will generate duplicate records for that donor in Raiser's Edge (because it sends records all at once). In contrast, ImportOmatic sends records one at a time, so if a new donor gives twice, it will be matched the second time.

    This is especially problematic for events, when a donor will both buy a registration ticket and make a donation within the same flat file. Multiply this by the majority of the attendees for the event and it results in an excessive number of duplicates. This is a big…

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  17. Ability to map Action Notepad Type

    When importing CC data into NXT via Omatic, the default for Action Notepad Type is "Added via Web View". This default is not effective in allowing us to report to our Board and stakeholders outcomes. After uploading actions we will have to manually change this field.Having the option to define or map this field will give us richer data and better metrics to report on.

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  18. Allow matching on fuzzy address formats

    Incoming address may be the same as existing, but with different format. We do not want to overwrite the existing address with one that has an incorrect address format and be constantly doing data clean up to correct. Need an option to only update address if it is different from existing address by a percentage. If it is 90% the same, then don't update address. OR it should give value update option, as it does if incoming title is different

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  19. Add ability to only add certain mapped fields to new records

    We would like to be able to decide specific criteria only applicable for new records added, not existing. Similar to applying default settings to new records in Importomatic.


    -Add addressee/salutation styles to new records
    -Only add constituent code to new record
    -Only add preferred name to new record

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  20. Add ability to specify the Constituent Code sequency (Primary Consituent Code) when adding or editing

    Blackback RENXT considers the first or top Constituent Code on a constituent record to be the primary code. This primary constituent code is automatically used in reporting and is the default on new gift records.

    We are requesting the ability to specify if a constituent code should be in the top spot when importing (creating or editing) a constituent record.

    The skyapi for constituents allows a sequence to be specified when creating or editing a constituent record however Omatic Cloud has not exposed access to specify a sequence value.

    The current behaviour appears to add a new constituent code to…

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