Organize formula's in a way that makes sense to me
In Omatic Cloud, on the Integrations page, it already organizes formulas by datasource, but I would like to organize them in a different way that makes more sense to my organization/data flow.
I may want to organize them by business flow (ex: Email Activity formulas vs Constituent formulas).
I propose a way to create a custom organization for my formulas on the Integrations page that allows me to be more efficient in my day to day.

Thom Boivin commented
perhaps bring back tags (and the related filtering) from ImportOmatic classic and make some columns sortable?
Elizabeth Anders commented
Have you tried creating a custom Data Queue tab? We have the ability to create up to 4 custom Data Queues that allows you to include formulas regardless of integration source and put them in whatever order you'd like.
Michael Kracke commented
Will this be available in both versions of Omatic Cloud or just the "new" version?
AdminAnonymous (Admin, Omatic) commented
Although not customizable, we made an update that will be released early August, where the formulas will at least be alphabetized.
Jeff Herron commented
Even within a data source group, you could at least offer a way to sort the formulas. right now its a random order (at least not obvious) whereas in OIC it was alphabetically by formula name.