Post to GL outputs for FE NXT
The formula template for posting to FE NXT does not furnish any options for the output files that the formula generates (other than the actual batch in FE NXT). Since a Post-to-GL user may not have direct access to the destination FE NXT system, those output files are very valuable for analysis and troubleshooting.
Currently, they come out as .txt files, which makes analysis challenging even when using an advanced editor. Can the output file that represents the created FE batch be output in .csv format? Or, could the user building the formula be given an option for the format in which they want output files delivered?

Stu Manewith commented
Another less elegant option, which would still be an improvement, would be to output all data associated with a single transaction on a single row. Right now the data elements are segregated into 3 separated rows: first the basic j/e row data, then the project distribution and classification row data, and finally the transaction code row data. Troubleshooting errors would be easier if all of a transaction's data were output on the same row.
Stu Manewith commented
As we implement P2GL for more and more FE NXT clients, we need a better way to test our outputs. Most clients are live in FE NXT and don't have test systems; furthermore, there is no 'pre-post' option, when a formula is run, it creates a live journal entry batch in FE NXT. We need a way to look at a pre-post report or file or some other mechanism to see and validate (or refine) the results of FE NXT formulas before delivering them to the client. An option such as a .csv output file would be very useful.