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77 results found

  1. Name fields from Stripe to populated

    Stripe specific parsing reques

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  2. Enable Short vs Long Formatting for Address Lines

    Currently, the replace function will impact the entire string. Example: When formatting an address, 111 West 3rd Street, I want to replace West with W & Street with St. In this scenario, the current functionality will give me an output of “W”. I would like to request the functionality to replace individual elements of a string. Example: When formatting an address, 111 West 3rd Street, I’d like to replace both West with W and Street with St, giving me an output of 111 W 3rd St. Without this additional functionality it is impossible to keep aligned with our database standards…

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  3. Have ability to map to custom attributes for a Participant

    We record event specific information against a participant of an event in RE. Could the endpoints for attributes for a Participant be made available to enable us to add/update these.

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  4. Allow formula to run against all dates

    We use a constituent formula to sync RE NXT records to LO Donor Groups. Currently, the formula will only sync records modified within the past 30 days, but we may have thousands of records not modified in that date range that still need to be in a particular donor group. Forcing a change in the modified date just unnecessarily increases the volume of records also synced by the Opt In formula. We would like to be able to choose to run the formula against all dates.

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  5. It would be an improvement if we could have Payout date as an option for mapping.

    When bringing gifts over from classy the GL post date is not matching our deposit dates and this is causing issues with finance. If we had the ability to map the payout date to the GL post date that would make the financial process cleaner and much smoother without manual global changes.

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  6. Match on Existing Consent Records

    Similar to how you can match on an existing Address, Email, Con Code it would be great if we could match on existing Consent records to avoid duplicates. If we're sending weekly newsletters/mailings out, when our connector runs it adds a new consent record every time

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  7. RENXT to HubSpot Export: HubSpot Additional Email Match

    During an export from RENXT to HubSpot it looks like Omatic currently only looks for email matches for the email that is marked as "Primary" in HubSpot. Is it possible to consider the "Additional Emails" in HubSpot, to reduce the risk of duplicates being created?

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  8. Turn on the Engaging Networks QueryResult connector

    Turn on the Engaging Networks QueryResult connector so we can import custom query results from EN to RE. At the moment it asks for a login email address and password when you try to use it, as well as the website URL of your EN instance. But when we try to use it with our details it says "Invalid Credentials! Authentication Failed! Username/Password is incorrect" even though we are using our correct details.

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  9. Be able to export CQS transactions from RE to EN via the connector

    Opt-in questions with the type “Opt-in Confirmation” (CQS transactions) are not available to be exported to from RE to EN using the connector. Only QCB opt-in transactions appear.

    Engaging Networks have implied that this link should help . . The name in the REST API is Double Opt-in. The type is CONF

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  10. Update the Engaging Networks / Raiser's Edge connector to allow mapping to the Origin Source field in Engaging Networks

    There is a field in Engaging Networks called Origin Source which shows what caused someone to sign up to our mailing list. I would like to be able to bring this information from EN to RE, as well as push information from RE to EN if we are uploading new records).

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    Hi Sonia,

    Thanks for your suggestion here.  We are currently reviewing this idea.  From our research it appears as though the Origin Source may only come from the Bulk Export API (which is what Omatic uses to pull data from Engaging Networks) on the transaction that created the constituent in Engaging Networks.  I am trying to find more information about this.  As a result, I want to confirm how you intend to use this field so we can be sure we are considering your use case.  

    Can you share when you intend to use this origin source data?  Is this donation transactions or some other type of transaction that you are pulling from Engaging Networks that you hope to have this field available to use?  Anything else you can share about your intent and intended use would be helpful.

    Thanks again.

    Steve Brewer

  11. Custom Fields in Every Action Connector on Contributions

    It looks like custom fields are available for Contributions in the EveryAction connector, but we can't access the Contribution custom fields that are available on the Recurring Commitment formulas. Example--we're looking for a custom "Fund" field that has been created to further breakout gifts, but we are not able to map to this right now for recurring commitments. The custom field is available on the contribution.

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  12. Be able to match to Gift Attribute Import ID in order to update gift attributes

    Seem to be able to add new gift attributes, but not update existing gift attributes. Being able to globally update existing gift attributes would be very useful

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  13. Make popular / favourited translations available with one click

    In Importomatic, to add Proper Casing takes one click. In Omatic Cloud it takes around 7. It would be useful if we could "favourite" certain translations, so that these are able to be applied with a single click.

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  14. Allow matching on fuzzy address formats

    Incoming address may be the same as existing, but with different format. We do not want to overwrite the existing address with one that has an incorrect address format and be constantly doing data clean up to correct. Need an option to only update address if it is different from existing address by a percentage. If it is 90% the same, then don't update address. OR it should give value update option, as it does if incoming title is different

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  15. Add ability to only add certain mapped fields to new records

    We would like to be able to decide specific criteria only applicable for new records added, not existing. Similar to applying default settings to new records in Importomatic.


    -Add addressee/salutation styles to new records
    -Only add constituent code to new record
    -Only add preferred name to new record

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  16. Increased Email Import Capabilities

    We would like the ability for more detailed mapping of emails/phone numbers like it does for address updates. For example, the ability to add an email as a specific type ONLY if it does not already exist on their record. If it does exist, the option to ignore or update the email type. It would also be nice to say if a specific email type exists, add as "Email 1, 2, 3, etc." There are many times during events we get new email addresses but do not want to override an existing email address and do not want 5 of…

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  17. Add a Classy Event Recurring Plan profile type

    Classy users have the option to configure an event with Recurring Gift options for donors. A Classy Event Recurring Plan profile type seems to be needed for recurring gifts created on events since those new recurring setups don't come through with the standard Classy recurring plan profile. The recurring installments are able to come down through the donations profile, but none of the existing Classy connector profile types seem to be able to handle the Recurring Setup gift currently if it made on an event record in Classy.

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  18. Add NIN to Omatic cloud

    For importing Standing Order payments from the bank the only way we can link to Constituents is by a unique ref. We currently store this in the NIN field. Could we get this field added to the omatic cloud when it is added to the SKY API (raised with Blackbaud as well). Thanks

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  19. RENXT Tags

    We would like to be able to use RENXT Tags for mapping to HubSpot. This field is currently available in NXT but not available in RENXT List to HubSpot formulas.

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  20. Add RE NXT tax declaration to list of available fields

    To use Omatic for gift imports in the UK we need to be able to add tax declaration information for the donor. These fields have been added to the Sky API now, so could they also be added for mapping in Omatic Cloud?

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