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252 results found

  1. Add text fields to facilitate documentation of formula configuration background

    For each group heading in an ImportOmatic+ formula (in the mapping section of its definition), add text fields to allow the addition of notes by the creators/managers of the formula. This would improve the product by providing a mechanism for documentation directly within the formula. Information that could be included could be explanations of why certain configuration decisions were made, idiosyncrasies and deficiencies expected in the data, where to find current mappings/value lists from data source systems, and other considerations etc.

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  2. Partial string 'Replace' transformation

    It was a sad day when I realized that there wasn't a Transformation for address abbreviation standardization like there is in IOM ( and sadder still when I learned that I couldn't create a transformation of my own. While the 'Replace' transformation will IDENTIFY a field value containing a qualifying text string just fine, it will also replace the ENTIRE field value (not just the identified text string) with whatever replacement value you designate. Thought you could use a transformation for common address standardizations like replacing "Street" with "St"? Think again, because the way it exists now will…

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  3. Fuzzy text string matching

    Human beings are imperfect and ever-changing, and I expect OC to accommodate that variability the same way IOM does. If OC cannot find a potential Constituent or Relationship match between nearly identical strings like "Rachel Bailey" and "Rachael Bailey," then I'm forced to use IOM until it does. In the meantime, my organization is paying extra for a software that creates multiple duplicate Constituent, Relationship, and Address Records. See also

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  4. Add ability to specify the Constituent Code sequency (Primary Consituent Code) when adding or editing

    Blackback RENXT considers the first or top Constituent Code on a constituent record to be the primary code. This primary constituent code is automatically used in reporting and is the default on new gift records.

    We are requesting the ability to specify if a constituent code should be in the top spot when importing (creating or editing) a constituent record.

    The skyapi for constituents allows a sequence to be specified when creating or editing a constituent record however Omatic Cloud has not exposed access to specify a sequence value.

    The current behaviour appears to add a new constituent code to…

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  5. Keep 'Remove batch if validation fails during processing checkbox' checked

    After checking the box to "Remove batch if validation fails during processing checkbox" it would be nice if that remained check for each subsequent posting job.

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  6. Comparative Logic for Date Inputs

    We would greatly benefit from the addition of a function within transforms to compare a date input with a dynamic date provided at runtime. For example: if End date < Today’s Date then Replace input value with “Inactive”.

    In our Raiser’s Edge database, we rely on the Constituent Code “Start date” and “End date” fields to determine when a donor opted into a program and whether they are still active with that program.

    Presently, to update the status fields in our destination records, we’re forced to build a distinct NXT List for each pairing of program and status, as well…

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  7. New Formula Types

    If I create a second API Connection to my RE/NXT database (called RE Maintenance), I’m hoping to use the primary connection to identify specific maintenance scenarios and the second connection to update the data in RE. (Ie, we have a custom field called Minor (under 18) with a Y/N value. I’d like a formula to automagically change it once they reach their 18th birthday.) I currently do this on a monthly basis for many different maintenance scenarios using RE Database View queries and global changes. Automating would be better, more efficient, and more timely.

    OC will allow me to create…

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  8. Update FE NXT Batch Desicription on import error

    Post to GL creates the JE batch and then progresses through importing the transactions. If a transaction results in an error, Post to GL stops the import process—however, it may have completed a partial import, and that partial import may be "in balance."

    It would be helpful if, when Post to GL fails due to a transaction error, the JE batch description could be updated to append an error message so Finance is aware that the batch was not created successfully.

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  9. Multiple Route to Ready Criteria Options

    It would be helpful to have the OR operator for "Route to Ready" based on critera.

    Ex: If Classy ID matches, Route to Ready


    If First Name/Last Name/Email matches, Route to Ready

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  10. Exclude Administrators

    Currently, LO connector imports administrators to Raiser's Edge. However, you can't update Luminate Administrators with LO connector, which is good.

    The profile should ONLY work with constituents, NOT user accounts. Filtering out administrators should be an option without a group filter from the profile settings.

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  11. Integrations/Formulas | Mapping | Total Sum of Two Cells/Columns from an Import File

    Built-in feature that allows combining two column headings to create a total sum during the mapping process.

    Example: scenarios of summing platform fees and transaction fees.

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  12. Include non-mapped source fields in summary fields to help with decision making.

    We don't want to update fields in LO but want to see the source fields (which are not used in the mapping) in summary fields to assist in making decisions.

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  13. 1 vote

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  14. 1 vote

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  15. 4 votes

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  16. We would like the ability to sort data in the Needs attention bucket. This is the way they used to be ordered.

    Previous order was:
    1. 1:1 Matches
    2. Multiple Matches
    3. New Records
    4. Destination Exceptions
    5. Formula Exceptions

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  17. 1 vote

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  18. Deceased indicator

    Display a deceased indicator in the data differences columns of the triage buckets, similar to displaying Mailchimp contact status. This will help with decisions without me needing to step into the record just to find out they're deceased.

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  19. Enable Importing Event Registrations from GiveCampus

    The GiveCampus integration currently supports only importing gifts. Events is another large use for the platform and one we're looking to leverage. Being able to utilize this would improve our process flows greatly.

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  20. Provide a merge option for records merged in RENXT and corresponding records updating in Engaging Networks

    Provide a merge option for records merged in RENXT and corresponding records updating in Engaging Networks

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