Omatic Cloud
278 results found
Advanced address processing screen in the Omatic Cloud is needed
We need an advanced address processing screen in the Omatic Cloud. Right now my choices are to import addresses without knowing if they are valid, or ignore addresses We also need to be able to update a new address while saving the old address as a former address. Why? People enter their addresses online incorrectly and sometimes on purpose. (I've seen people who don't include their house number or apartment number, or enter "nowhere" street.") If I allow address information to come in that doesn't match to their current address I could be overwriting good address info in RE with…
125 votes -
Have a repository for transformations
Can we have a have a repository for transformations so we don't have to rebuild and maintain them on different formulas? That would save a lot of time and double checking. Thanks!
85 votes -
Allow matching on fuzzy address formats
Incoming address may be the same as existing, but with different format. We do not want to overwrite the existing address with one that has an incorrect address format and be constantly doing data clean up to correct. Need an option to only update address if it is different from existing address by a percentage. If it is 90% the same, then don't update address. OR it should give value update option, as it does if incoming title is different
72 votes -
Add ability to only add certain mapped fields to new records
We would like to be able to decide specific criteria only applicable for new records added, not existing. Similar to applying default settings to new records in Importomatic.
-Add addressee/salutation styles to new records
-Only add constituent code to new record
-Only add preferred name to new record68 votes -
Add an Eventbrite Connector
Create an eventbrite connector to import event registrants to the RE event Module.
34 votes -
Convert existing dictionaries to transformations
As I am getting started with the Omatic Cloud, it would be wonderful to be able to convert existing dictionaries to transformation or at least copy and paste into a transformation rather than enter line by line. Thanks!
30 votes -
For the VolunteerHub connector, change the date range field from "registration date" to "event date"
When bringing in Volunteer information from VolunteerHub, it would make more sense for the date range to be "event date" rather than "registration date" because the date someone registers for an event doesn't really matter. With this current set-up, it misses people who signed up for an even event before the date range even if they actually volunteered during the date range.
28 votes -
Enable Short vs Long Formatting for Address Lines
Currently, the replace function will impact the entire string. Example: When formatting an address, 111 West 3rd Street, I want to replace West with W & Street with St. In this scenario, the current functionality will give me an output of “W”. I would like to request the functionality to replace individual elements of a string. Example: When formatting an address, 111 West 3rd Street, I’d like to replace both West with W and Street with St, giving me an output of 111 W 3rd St. Without this additional functionality it is impossible to keep aligned with our database standards…
26 votes -
Ability to Override in Formula Exceptions
There should be an option other than Delete in the Formula Exceptions bucket. We should be able to Override it, especially if we know that person IS in Raisers Edge but for some reason the server dropped when looking for the record. This would help so that we aren't relying solely on the ability and capability of the servers to connect records.
24 votes -
Setting Formatting for Primary Addressee & Salutation for New Constituents Only
Ability to set the formatting for Primary Addressee and Salutation for new Constituents only, or be able to review those as data differences for existing constituents.
22 votes -
Comparative Logic for Date Inputs
We would greatly benefit from the addition of a function within transforms to compare a date input with a dynamic date provided at runtime. For example: if End date < Today’s Date then Replace input value with “Inactive”.
In our Raiser’s Edge database, we rely on the Constituent Code “Start date” and “End date” fields to determine when a donor opted into a program and whether they are still active with that program.
Presently, to update the status fields in our destination records, we’re forced to build a distinct NXT List for each pairing of program and status, as well…
20 votes -
Make column order in data grids "sticky" per user
Currently in Omatic Cloud data grids, users can click and drag the columns to the right of the action buttons to re-order them. However, upon leaving the data grid and returning to it the columns reset to their default order (alpha by field name). It would be nice if Omatic Cloud would remember custom column order for each formula for each user. There are many times when it is helpful to refer to specific fields in the data grid when choosing whether to add, match, or delete a record but those fields are way off to the right. So it…
19 votes -
Organize formula's in a way that makes sense to me
In Omatic Cloud, on the Integrations page, it already organizes formulas by datasource, but I would like to organize them in a different way that makes more sense to my organization/data flow.
I may want to organize them by business flow (ex: Email Activity formulas vs Constituent formulas).
I propose a way to create a custom organization for my formulas on the Integrations page that allows me to be more efficient in my day to day.
18 votes -
Add 'Accounting Code' field to available field mapping for LO Calendar Event Profile
Many users are using the 'Accounting Code' to associate RE gift coding with a specific LO Calendar Event - This field does not appear to be an available mapping option on the Calendar Event Attendee profile.
13 votes -
Ability to Send One by One from Ready
it would be helpful to have the ability to send records individually from Ready.
Sometimes a record might need more review while others can be sent to the destination.13 votesThanks Amanda. Can you share a scenario or two why someone would want to be reviewing records in Ready? We would think that if it ended up in Ready that the record should be "good" and the other buckets are where records need to be reviewed. Is there another classification of record that would cause them to need to be reviewed that we don't accommodate that calls out the need to have records to go to a needs attention bucket? Meaning, is there some other criteria that calls out the need to review? If so, what might that be?
Add percentage of match results to ready buckets
The older version of Omatic Cloud displayed the percentage of matching information between records in our systems (Altru and Constant Contact). This was very helpful to us as we could minimize the amount of data being sent by only sending records with a percentage match under 100%. We would love to have this feature available again.
13 votes -
Allow 'Replace' transformation option to include operators for 'greater than', 'less than' and 'between'
It would be great to be able to specify a range in order to have more conditional behavior within the 'Replace' transformation. For example, if I want to assign the gift letter code or acknowledgement status based on the gift amount.
12 votes -
Increased Email Import Capabilities
We would like the ability for more detailed mapping of emails/phone numbers like it does for address updates. For example, the ability to add an email as a specific type ONLY if it does not already exist on their record. If it does exist, the option to ignore or update the email type. It would also be nice to say if a specific email type exists, add as "Email 1, 2, 3, etc." There are many times during events we get new email addresses but do not want to override an existing email address and do not want 5 of…
12 votes -
Add text fields to facilitate documentation of formula configuration background
For each group heading in an ImportOmatic+ formula (in the mapping section of its definition), add text fields to allow the addition of notes by the creators/managers of the formula. This would improve the product by providing a mechanism for documentation directly within the formula. Information that could be included could be explanations of why certain configuration decisions were made, idiosyncrasies and deficiencies expected in the data, where to find current mappings/value lists from data source systems, and other considerations etc.
12 votes -
Add Table Entry If It Doesn't Exist
It would be very helpful if Omatic Cloud could add a table entry during the import if it doesn't already exist. This is IOM functionality that is needed in Omatic Cloud.
11 votes
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