Add ability to append custom text to incoming field
When creating a new formula, it is our practice to first build the formula connected to staging sites before pushing to a production environment. It is common for data in staging environments to be slightly altered. One example of this is that user email addresses are prepended with a short string of characters in-order to invalidate the email. This makes it impossible to match on email when using the omatic connector. I would like to request that the ability to append/prepend a small string to the value in the transformation section or perhaps in the concatenation section.
Example: The outside system has it's own ID. BBCRM doesn't allow for duplicate Lookup IDs. To get around this we prepend a bit of text to the outside systems ID. An example would be, the outside system has an ID 11223344, we open OUTSYS11223344.
This would be primarily used in the Alternate ID section, but we do have a few other places we would use it if the functionality was available.