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101 results found

  1. Shorten Data Transformation - add ability to shorten from front or back

    Current transformation only allows us to drop values from the end of a string. We also need the ability to drop values from the front of the screen.

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  2. Need Transformation That Can Add Leading Zeros to ID

    In IOM, we had the ability to use a dictionary with regex to add leading zeros to IDs. Unable to do this currently in IOM+.

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  3. Calculation Transformation

    I would like the ability to calculate multiple number fields within the source file. I have a couple of use cases for this:

    1. LO TeamRaiser Registrations: When attempting to split gifts between Registrations, Upsell Items, and Additional Donations. There is no way to pull the amount spent on registrations. The Total Reg Fees only have the value of the single ticket purchase when really I need the value of if 5 were purchased. So currently the TR Registration Connector does not have a field that specifies how much of the payment was spent on registrations, but I could get the…

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  4. Please add "Creditcard holder name" field to Luminate Online Connector Profiles

    This very important field is missing and we need it - thanks!

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    completed  ·  Emily Dalton responded

    Are you referring to the Donations profile type or other ones? According to the field documentation we've compiled from Luminate's API resources, the following fields are pulled from the credit card itself: 

    Payment - BillingName - FirstName 

    Payment - BillingName - MiddleName 

    Payment - BillingName - LastName 

    Payment - BillingName - Suffix  

    All of these fields are provided across all of our profile types containing credit card transaction info.  Does this resolve the issue? If not, can you provide more detail? 

    Thanks!  -The Omatic Team

  5. ability to use 'if / then / else' logic for mapping fields

    My file has some rows with gift data and some rows without gift data. In order to import the gift data, we have to map required fields (ex: gift type). But the rows without gifts are creating exceptions because it is still trying to send in the required field but there are no gifts associated with that row.

    Need to the ability to map fields conditionally:
    if gift data exists, then add them (with the mapped values), else ignore

    In this case (RE NXT), the exception that was generated was not as clear as it could have been: 'the gift_splits…

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    With the recently released updates to Transformations, you can accomplish this use case by stacking different types of transformations together.

    For example, to populate Gift Type only if the incoming Gift Amount is not blank you would: 

    • Map gift amount
    • Add a "Replace" transformation to transform: "If not Blank" to "True", and "If Blank" to "False" (in that respective order)
    • Add a "Concatenation" transformation and add Gift Type
    • Add a "Replace" transformation to transform "If contains False" to "Blank"
    • Add a remove custom text for "True"

    This will ensure that the Gift Type field coming in is only populated if the Gift Amount is populated.

    Depending on your incoming data, there are many variations and approaches you could take to setting up this transformation logic. We will continue to look into adding new Transformation Types in the future to improve efficiency and capabilities. 

    You can find more information about transformations…

  6. Ability to silence or "x" out toast notifications in Omatic Cloud

    Toast notifications can be distracting especially when multiple users are in an Omatic Cloud instance. The notification blocks the "X" button on the formula and prevents another user from closing a formula. When those notifications stack or another user is processing records, it can be a long wait.

    It would be helpful to silence those notifications per user and have the ability to close out of the notification before the processing bar is completed.

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    completed  ·  Anonymous responded

    Additional toast notification feedback can be submitted within the referenced link

  7. Sync Entire RENXT List to Data Source

    Right now when using a connector to sync records from RENXT to a data source Omatic considers the "Modified Date" in addition to the RENXT List that the record is on. For lists that are created more ad hoc, such as events, the records may not have necessarily been modified recently, so they're either missed in the sync or you would need to force a modification on all records in the date via a Global Change. It would be awesome to the have the option to sync the entire list for certain formulas, so that all records on the list…

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  8. Allow same source and destination

    OmaticCloud would be more valuable to us if it would allow same data source and destination. For example, data stored in RE membership could be transformed or simply moved to constituent attributes area by an OmaticCloud job when membership data is changed. This will help workaround missing functionality from RE and Omatic to improve our data efficiency and accuracy. Thank you!

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    This is now supported! You will need to connect RENXT as a Data Source twice (once for the "Source" and once for the "Destination"). Once the two data sources are created, you will have the option to select one as source and one as a destination in the wizard. Then, you will have formula types available for those connections.

  9. Parse part of the incoming data

    Would like to see the ability to Parse only a part of the incoming data. (ie. In plugin we can use the RegEX Parse First Name dictionary found on the Commonly Used Regular Expressions page to return only the first word in a series of words.) Would like to be able to do that in OC as well, so when the data file contains Mickey & Minnie it imports only Mickey.

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    Thank you for this idea! There will be a new transformation type being released tomorrow in Omatic Cloud called "Split".  With this new transformation type, you can set criteria that parse out values from within a string of data. For example, if you have a string of gift amounts separated by semi colons, you’ll be able to divide those values and return specific items. In order to parse out the first word of a string, you would split the string using space as the separator, and return the first position of text. 

    Be on the lookout for this new transformation in Omatic Cloud tomorrow!


    Kristen Gajdica

  10. Support "starts with" or "ends with" in Transformations

    When translating data we need more supported options for translating data, for example, "starts with" or "ends with" at minimum.

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  11. Post Salesforce Payments in Post-to-GL

    My current understanding is that the P2GL API for Salesforce does not allow posting of payment records that are not themselves SF Opportunities, eg, pledge payments (ie, the pledge is the Opportunity, and payments are payments against the pledge but not Opps themselves. We need to be able to post payments that are not Opportunities.

    When considering pledge fundraising and the ability to properly account for pledge payments against pledge commitments, the payment, and not the opportunity is the fundamental basis for pulling Salesforce data.

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  12. Add optional questions to fundraisers formula type (classy defined and user defined) to OC

    IOM has Option Questions available to map, but they are missing from OC. Please add these to allow more formula usage.

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  13. Ability to filter Salesforce Donations for Posting based on a Salesforce Report (Query)

    Currently, the only filters available for gathering Salesforce donation transactions for P2GL posting include Stage, Campaign, and first-class Date fields on the Opportunity object. Very often, clients have data in other objects in Salesforce that drive the post process. (Payment object and custom object data elements are often needed for filtering.)

    Ideally it would be nice to be able to export transactions based on a Salesforce report (query). This would only work if there were less than 2000 records due to the limit that Salesforce imposes, but clients could control the records appearing in the report themselves by posting more…

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  14. Field Campaign Internal Name Visibility

    Ability to view the Internal Campaign name in hosting when attempting to map Classy Recurring gifts,

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  15. OC Date transformation for D/M/YYYY

    Currently there is a transformation for M/D/YYYY but not D/M/YYYY
    Seeing a lot of "data differences" simply because of OC adding back in a zero when we do not want one.

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  16. Allow records causing exceptions to be edited before resending to destination

    Occasionally a record will be rejected by the destination app because the data violates some data formatting rule in that app. The main example in my setup is my Mailchimp lists do not allow non-US Zip codes, so when Omatic tries to create or update a subscriber whose Altru Zip is from a different country, it throws an exception. The only way to get the subscriber into Mailchimp is to either add them manually or temporarily remove the Zip from Altru and force the record to go through the Omatic formula again. It would save a lot of time if…

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    completed  ·  Anonymous responded

    The ability to perform inline editing within the Destination Exceptions bucket is now available in Omatic Cloud!

  17. New Formula Types

    If I create a second API Connection to my RE/NXT database (called RE Maintenance), I’m hoping to use the primary connection to identify specific maintenance scenarios and the second connection to update the data in RE. (Ie, we have a custom field called Minor (under 18) with a Y/N value. I’d like a formula to automagically change it once they reach their 18th birthday.) I currently do this on a monthly basis for many different maintenance scenarios using RE Database View queries and global changes. Automating would be better, more efficient, and more timely.

    OC will allow me to create…

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    This is now supported! You will need to connect RENXT as a Data Source twice (once for the "Source" and once for the "Destination"). Once the two data sources are created, you will have the option to select one as source and one as a destination in the wizard. Then, you will have formula types available for those connections.

  18. Select mapped fields in transformations

    It would be of incredible added value if it were possible to select a mapped field in the data transformation option, which would give incredible flexibility to the process of mapping and transforming data between information systems.


    If the field Appeal = "A" then take the value of the field "Date", if the field Appeal <> "A" then the field = BLANK.

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    With the recently released updates to Transformations, you can accomplish this use case by stacking different types of transformations together.

    For example, to populate Gift Type only if the incoming Gift Amount is not blank you would:

    • Map Appeal
    • Add a "Concatenation" transformation to add Date
    • Add a "Replace" transformation to transform "If does not contain A" to "Blank"
    • Add a remove custom text for "A"

    This will ensure that the Date field coming in is only populated if the Gift Appeal is A.

    Depending on your incoming data, there are many variations and approaches you could take to setting up this transformation logic. We will continue to look into adding new Transformation Types in the future to improve efficiency and capabilities.

    You can find more information about transformations here:

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    Page size is now saved within Omatic Cloud. It will be saved per user, per formula. Within a formula, it will be applied to all the buckets. New formulas will still default to 15 records, but once you make the change, it will be saved.

  20. Add a time zone selector like IOM.

    I'm having issues with the LO API sending donations in UTC time, which cannot be changed by the "ignore time zone" tool. Having the wrong dates makes reconciliation difficult and looking for donations with wrong dates and changing the manually is very time consuming.

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