Option to include deceased records in the search for BBCRM
Currently Omatic Cloud does not look for deceased records. It would be helpful to have an option to have a formula look for Deceased individuals. Right now they appear as "New", while we can override this and manually match, it would save us time/steps if the formula matched to deceased individuals as well.
It may be nice to have a small flag or color change to signify that these records are deceased or inactive. It would potentially aid in finding duplicates in CRM or if needed adjust other business processes.
The main thing we will be using this feature for is matching email records from myEmma. It is common for family members to go through and open/unsubscribe a recently deceased's email. These records, up until now, always showed as a new record. So we would have to manually review each 'new record' to see if they were deceased to avoid creating duplicate records.