Post Salesforce Payments in Post-to-GL
My current understanding is that the P2GL API for Salesforce does not allow posting of payment records that are not themselves SF Opportunities, eg, pledge payments (ie, the pledge is the Opportunity, and payments are payments against the pledge but not Opps themselves. We need to be able to post payments that are not Opportunities.
When considering pledge fundraising and the ability to properly account for pledge payments against pledge commitments, the payment, and not the opportunity is the fundamental basis for pulling Salesforce data.

This can now be accomplished through the use of the new Salesforce Report as a source functionality.
Stu Manewith commented
Thanks, Steve -- I've added some comments inline using '**':
1. You imply that a payment may not be associated to opportunities, but also allude to posting future payments on pledges, where I believe the pledge is the opportunity. Should we expect that all payments will be tied to an opportunity and what is different is the driver/filter is on payments to pull the data instead of opportunities?
**My understanding of SF NPSP architecture is that all payments are linked to opportunities, but for pledges and pledge payments they are not one-in-the-same. Eg, a cash gift is an opportunity with a single payment and the payment date is the same date as the opp date. For a pledge in SF, the pledge is the opportunity, and their will one or more payments scheduled for later dates, or even if the first payment is made on the same date as the pledge, there will be later payments scheduled with later dates. As of now, I can't find a way to gather payments for posting that are not themselves opportunities.2. Where do we expect to pull the GAUs from for the payments? Are the linked to the payment or the opportunity?
**Yes, blessedly, payment records in SF have GAU allocations associated with them (for orgs that use GAUs; thus far, I have not come across any P2GL SF customers that don't use GAUs).3. What are the filters that we would need to supply to pull payments? This would need to be user-driven decision on fields that are native to payment records.
**Paid (T/F checkbox), Payment Date, Payment Status -- those are probably the best.4. We would assume that all of the same data that is available for opportunities would be relevant to this payment-based P2GL flow. Is that correct? If not, then what would is missing?
**Yes, I believe so -- all the same data that is available for opps wold be relevant a payment-based P2GL flow. -
Thanks for the post Stu. Can we get more information about this request. See my questions below.
1. You imply that a payment may not be associated to opportunities, but also allude to posting future payments on pledges, where I believe the pledge is the opportunity. Should we expect that all payments will be tied to an opportunity and what is different is the driver/filter is on payments to pull the data instead of opportunities?
2. Where do we expect to pull the GAUs from for the payments? Are the linked to the payment or the opportunity?
3. What are the filters that we would need to supply to pull payments? This would need to be user-driven decision on fields that are native to payment records.
4. We would assume that all of the same data that is available for opportunities would be relevant this payment-based P2GL flow. Is that correct? If not, then what would is missing?