Additional Scheduling Options
Right now, we have 3 scheduling options generally (weekly, daily, continuous). A client has requested that we have additional scheduling options, example: twice daily, twice weekly, every two weeks.

Anonymous commented
In response to the request for a use case, we have a Formula which adds Interactions to Blackbaud CRM when emails are sent in Mailchimp. It is scheduled for 5pm daily. We have another which adds Responses to those Interactions when supporters take action on those emails, e.g., open, click or unsubscribe. It runs at 8am, to give the maximum time for the Interactions to be added but still limit system load on BBCRM during working hours. If an email is sent after 5pm, the activity will cause an exception because the Interaction won't be there. It would be good if we could schedule a second run of the Interaction Formula about 7am to minimise the chance of this.
Anonymous commented
Other useful options:
A list of times each day, so we could specify 08:00, 12:00, 17:00.
The ability to add multiple schedules.
Hourly (every n hours between a start time and end time). -
Thanks for the feedback Christina.
Can you provide use cases for those scenarios so that we can understand which connectors, the type of data, etc would be driving the need for additional scheduling options. We want to be sure to understand the need behind these so that we can tackle in the appropriate manner as needing to run a formula at some other scheduled frequency could call out other business reasons that would need us to consider other areas of the product.