Calculation Transformation
I would like the ability to calculate multiple number fields within the source file. I have a couple of use cases for this:
LO TeamRaiser Registrations: When attempting to split gifts between Registrations, Upsell Items, and Additional Donations. There is no way to pull the amount spent on registrations. The Total Reg Fees only have the value of the single ticket purchase when really I need the value of if 5 were purchased. So currently the TR Registration Connector does not have a field that specifies how much of the payment was spent on registrations, but I could get the amount if I could map the amount to Payment Amount - Additional Donation - Upsell Amount.
I have files that are now adding two columns the gift amount should be the two fields combined.

Brenda Schelling-Biggs commented
I would like the ability to use a mathematical- calculation to assign a value to a field. For example, Gift Receipt Amount = Gift Amount (imported field) - Gift Item Value (imported field).