Multiple Route to Ready Criteria Options
It would be helpful to have the OR operator for "Route to Ready" based on critera.
Ex: If Classy ID matches, Route to Ready
If First Name/Last Name/Email matches, Route to Ready

We think this a great idea! We are looking into ways to support this in the future. We are also looking to improve the Record Search and Routing pages in general, with more intuitive options.
Product Manager -
Christina Hoffecker commented
Hi Elizabeth - thanks for you feedback! This specifically is related to Route to Ready if all selected fields match exactly. The intent of this request would be to have multiple values be used for routing to ready with 1-1 matches.
Elizabeth Anders commented
Wait! What?!? I currently have a formula that does just that.
I have a primary match criteria on email address and multiple secondary criteria (first/last names or a custom id or RE constituent id). Then on the routing screen I have New Records (no records found based on my match criteria) are routed to ready. Also, 1:1 matches that match on email address and RE constituent id also route to ready. If it's a 1:1 match for any other criteria, they end up in the 1:1 match bucket.
What am I missing?