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278 results found

  1. Add Payout ID and Date to the API

    Payout ID and Payout Date added to the API for reconciling between P2GL and OC integration. It's a critical information requirement.

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  2. Able to map Credit Card Brand from Stripe

    requested the Brand name for credit card to be added to the connector.

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  3. Request for First and Last Name fields for attendees in Fundraisers profile/formula

    Ability to import first and last names for event attendees as separate fields

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  4. Request to add more retries to HubSpot endpoint

    No API limit errors between formulas

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  5. ZIP code matching in Salesforce

    Currently, 5-digit ZIP codes and 9-digit ZIP codes (where the first 5 digits are the same) will not match when attempting to match incoming records using address as matching criteria. This allows duplicate contacts to be added to Salesforce since Omatic does not match on the address when ZIP is one of the address field criteria.

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  6. Child object matching on address in Salesforce

    Currently, address is not a child object in Salesforce, so when address fields are mapped, address data can be overwritten or duplicate contacts can be added when addresses are different (depending on matching criteria). Child object matching on address would help address this issue.

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  7. Need someway to determine what data DID NOT flow through Omatic

    We've had multiple instances of data not flowing from LO through Omatic and into SF. It would be great if there was a list of items that were not pushed through Omatic, so we would know what needed to be moved manually from LO to SF.

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  8. Settings to manage SF use of API calls...

    There may be situations (testing) or initial synching where records in a source system or in Salesforce itself may trigger lots of records to synch. when running continuously, this has the potential to consumer a LOT of API calls where no one would notice. maxing out API calls in SF may cause other business critical functions to fail. so is there a way to tell omatic cloud what the limit of API calls is or set some threshold for omatic cloud to keep track of and not exceed in a 24 hour period. suggest allowing a few settings: * threshold…

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  9. Classy Attendee Connector

    I need a connector that pulls attendee data from Classy events.

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  10. Ability to Auto-pick on First/Last Name OR Organization Name

    Currently with Mailchimp and RENXT integration formulas, auto-pick only allows to either match on first name/last name or organization, not both at the same time. It would be more helpful to be able to pick all first name, last name, and org name instead of having to pick one, and have the other go into 1:1 bucket instead of Ready.

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  11. Add Delete button to "Multiple matches & data differences" queue

    Currently, there's only "Review" button. If the record comes several time, you have to go to each "Review" screen to delete the repeats. It really takes time if there are lots repeated & records.

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  12. Add Event Registrant Attribute to Cloud import

    Would like the ability to map and add an Event Registrant Attribute in BBCRM.

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  13. Enhanced override button functionality

    Whenever the override button is utilized to match to an existing CRM record, Omatic does not provide the opportunity to select data that may differ between the LO record and CRM record before confirming the match (as is the case when utilizing "match" button). Is this something that can be addressed in the future?

    Currently, source data overrides destination data when you using the match override; which trigger the need to update records manually outside of the Omatic Cloud so being able to see the data differences for match overrides to pick whether to keep destination data or use source…

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  14. Pull All Records Through BBCRM Query

    Ability for all records to be pulled through BBCRM

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  15. Every Action Enhancement: Add Origin Form Name

    Can we please add Origin Form Name as a mappable field in the Contributions endpoint for Every Action?

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    under review  ·  1 comment  ·  Admin →
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  16. Add option for formulas to consider null vs non-null a match

    Currently if a mapped field is configured to be checked for data differences and that field is NULL in either the source or destination record but not the other, the field is flagged as a data difference. In some formulas it would be nice to be able to choose whether to consider NULL vs NOT NULL as a match for each field instead of always defaulting it to a data difference. This is especially relevant when matching on Altru Alt Lookup IDs since those will often be NULL in Altru until they are first populated by an OIC formula.

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    planned  ·  Emily Dalton responded
    Thanks for bringing this to our attention! We've got this on the slate to be researched, along with other ways we can improve the handling of common/consistent Data Differences.
  17. Add a Constituency to BBCRM Mapping Formulas

    I would like to suggest the ability to bring in constituencies for new records in our BBCRM constituent revenue type.

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  18. Seeing scheduled dates and times easily

    Be able to see scheduled date and times for all formulas on integrations/formulas page.

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