Omatic Cloud
271 results found
Include user name for API reset or login so you can see who reset the API
Hello I am looking for a quick way to confirm who (what user) reset or set the API. Would it be possible to add in a user ID to the reset? See attached screen shot.
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Trash bucket for deleted record rows
When we delete a record from the ready or needs attention bucket it would be nice to have a notification or send records to a new bucket we can review later. It is so easy to accidentally hit the delete icon.
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Addition of Classy Mode to Classy Connector
Add "Is Classy Mode" Field to Import Profile. When importing transaction details from Classy to RE, it's important that the fact that a donor covered processing fees is available to be added to the import profile. If a client wants to track whether or not constituents opted to cover service fees and the percentage in service fees they covered in future RE reports, they are unable to do so because these import fields are unavailable.
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Ability to spot differences in email
When I want to match a record from the document I've attached to Raiser's Edge by way of OMATIC, it would be great if there could be functionality that allows me to choose which email address I want to be on RE. For example, when I am matching Beth Paul (from my document) to Elizabeth Paul (how she's listed in RE), I am given the option to select whether I went to import the name "Beth" or stick with the name as listed on RE "Elizabeth". This is great. Would this be possible with email addresses? For example, on my…
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E-Commerce Luminate Online Shipping Address Field Request
I am requesting the addition of shipping address fields in the E-Commerce Luminate Online connector. I need a record of the shipping address on the E-Commerce gift in Raiser's Edge.
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Map Custom ID Fields
It would be ideal to be able to map a custom Salesforce field to the matching ID list for primary contact matching. We currently have fields we use as ID fields that aren't recognized by Omatic Cloud so we cannot match or dedupe incoming data based on these fields, making our importing a lot less effective.
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Ability to reprocess one record of selected group of records in Exceptions
We would love to see the ability to reprocess only single records or a selected group of records from exceptions. For instance, in our exceptions bucket, there is a mix of legitimate exceptions, and RE token expired exceptions. We'd love to just be able to reprocess the token expired ones and leave the legitimate exceptions in the bucket.
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Pull Luminate records based on timezone
Worked with consultant and found records were being brought in via UTC time in Luminate. I would like to bring it in via Pacific Standard Time. Support Ticket 38530
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VIP Processing for OC for RENXT
We would love to see functionality similar to the VIP Processing in IOM in OC. For instance, if a constituent is in a specific RENXT List, automation does not apply and they fall into a bucket for review and have some sort of VIP identifier.
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Formula tabs
In trying to better manage my formulas (of which there are many and the number is growing), I've creates some general tabs (Automatically runs, Manually triggered, In development). I'd like to be able to easily identify any formulas that aren't on one of the custom tabs or (dream of dreams) to be able to see which tab a formula is on when working within the formula. That last dream of dreams will help me stop putting formulas on more than one tab.
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Support for refunds from Luminate to BBCRM
Omatic Support confirmed that refunds are not supported in any way currently (including flat files) by Omatic Cloud for Luminate to BBCRM. Since handling refunds and adjustments is such a standard revenue workflow, having support added for it would be most helpful.
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Request to have TeamRaiser revenue formulas mimic the same behavior as non-TeamRaiser formulas when it comes to revenue exclusion.
Hi Omatic Team, Formula type: TeamRaiser Registration and Donation to BBCRM Constituent/Revenue & Luminate TeamRaiser Donations to BBCRM Constituent Revenue
Request to have TeamRaiser revenue formulas mimic the same behavior as non-TeamRaiser formulas when it comes to revenue exclusion. Currently, we can exlucde "offline" gifts from coming over via our Revenue formula (type=Luminate DOnations to BBCRM Constituent/Revenue),
but this behavior is not consistent with TeamRaiser revenue formulas. While we have safeguarded these from coming over to CRM, it would be more user-friendly to not see them in queue at all.0 votes -
BBCRM > LO Formulas - Would like additional fields such as address data to be returned for matching.
Currently in BBCRM >LO Formulas when matching records,the address info does not appear in the grids so we can't use that to decipher what the correct matched record is without going into each potential match which is very time consuming. Mailing address would be helpful for the following reasons: 1) LO and CRM may have different emails for a same person (with same address). 2) LO may have duplicated records for a same person but the system can't tell they are duplicates. E.g. - Incoming CRM record (same name) mailing address match one LO record and email address match another…
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Add "Send to Needs Attention" button in Ready Bucket
Similar to adding an Override button to the Ready bucket, similarly it would be nice to have a "send to 1:1" button when filtering through those matches in the Ready bucket.
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Export Matches
Would it be possible to allow for exporting the grids from 1to1 or 1 to Many. This would be helpful for when the list could use more insight and the list should be sent to someone else. For Example, between 2 systems it is common for potential duplicate users to be identified and land in the 1 to Many. When this happens, we would like to export the list to send to the team leading that system so they can address that the potential duplicate. During larger groups of records, this list can be larger and is easier to sift…
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Update fields with blank values
We would like to have the functionality for Omatic Cloud to update fields with Blank values in from Luminate --> Salesforce and vice versa from Salesforce --> Luminate. Blank values have meaning in both of our databases so this functionality would be extremely useful.
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Ability to modify new or existing records
Ability to choose if I want to make modifications to an existing records while making different modifications to new records all through one formula that are sent to ready. Example: having new records mark new email as primary while existing records do not mark as primary or overwrite.
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LO e-commerce formula type
I would like to build an e-commerce formula in Omatic cloud and split gifts by item
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Do not match to inactive records
When matching incoming records through Omatic Cloud to RE, the system should not match to inactive RE records. Or at least add the option not to match to these record types.
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Additional highlighting in the queue grids
When viewing the queue grids, we would like to have the changed values highlighted across the queue grids. Currently, only the first two columns are highlighted, Luminate and BBCRM.
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