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278 results found

  1. Pull Tribute Data from the Encompass Transactions

    Currently, the Tribute Data is not being pulled from the Encompass Transactions Endpoint. We need that information to import.

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  2. Option to get user input when incoming data doesn't match existing data for specified fields

    We often have enough information to be confident that the incoming data matches a record in Salesforce. However, whether the better quality data for important fields is in Salesforce or the incoming data is unknown. So we can't confidently overwrite data without a manual validation.

    For example, P Ennals might match to Peter Ennals. I am happy this is a valid match and therefore want to set it as a ready record. However, I don't want P to overwrite Peter.

    The functionality could be such that I specify per formula which fields require manual validation. E.g. for records where name…

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  3. Rearrange grid columns & save column order

    In the upgraded Omatic Cloud, it'd be nice to be able to rearrange grid columns, and as another user mentioned, have the custom column order persist when a user leaves the page:

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  4. Add connector for Wufoo online forms

    It would be worth looking into how to create a connector service to an online forms site where one can easily custom build an online form and link to RE fields. Wufoo is a great site to start with and has an existing API.

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  5. List Management available

    Given the plan for RE to move to a "total web solution" which will ultimately replace database view, for users of IOM List Management, could this feature be made available through Omatic Cloud?

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  6. RE NXT-Add or REMOVE Cons Codes and Solicit Codes

    We need the ability to remove constituent codes or solicit codes like we do in IOM. There is no option for that in OIC, and the removal character does not work.

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  7. Pull Opt-Outs from Specific Subscription Lists in Emma

    Currently, there is no way to tell how the connectors are configured if someone opts out of a specific subscription list.

    USE CASE: We would like to add Solicit Codes/Attributes in RE based on if they unsubscribed from a specific list to manage preferences.

    Issue: No way to tell in SOR what preferences have changed.

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  8. Daylight Savings Time

    When daylight savings time begins or ends, we're seeing scheduled formulas change - i.e. a formula scheduled to pull at 12:01 AM each day shifts to 11:01 PM when daylight savings goes into effect. Could there be a way for the daylight savings time change be automatically built into Omatic based off time zone? Otherwise to consistently retain the 12:01 AM pull, we have to remember to adjust the formula twice a year.

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  9. Add connector for Marketo

    Add a connector for RE and Marketo to capture consent/solicit changes and campaign results to Actions.

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  10. Add to more than one group at a time through the RE-LO Constituent Formula in OC

    Would like the ability to add to more than one group through the RE - LO Constituent Export formula type in OC. Currently you can only add one group at a time using the "Add to Groups" field.

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  11. additional -- useful -- logic operators in P2GL

    Can we add some additional -- useful -- logic operators to P2GL?

    *Not Blank
    *Does Not Contain

    Blank and Not Blank are especially useful. Today, without them, we're forced to use 'Equal' or 'Does Not Equal' and then compare that to an unpopulated field. Sometimes, however, if there are spaces in a field, it might look to be blank but isn't really.

    All and all, it's just safer and more efficient to have 'Blank' and 'Not Blank' operators.

    'Does Not Contain' is useful for working against alphanumeric data, and would prevent needing to use more complicated 'If/Then' or 'True/False'…

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  12. 5 votes

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  13. allow to import non-constituent participant records

    We would like to be able to load non-constituents into events as participants via the cloud integration.

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  14. Another User Role for Running Formulas

    There is a User Role in Omatic Cloud for "Formula Producer" that grants "the ability to create, run, and modify all the formulas".

    It would be nice to have a role for only running a formula. There are times we want someone to be able to run a formula, but don't want them to edit it.

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  15. Allow formula to run against all dates

    We use a constituent formula to sync RE NXT records to LO Donor Groups. Currently, the formula will only sync records modified within the past 30 days, but we may have thousands of records not modified in that date range that still need to be in a particular donor group. Forcing a change in the modified date just unnecessarily increases the volume of records also synced by the Opt In formula. We would like to be able to choose to run the formula against all dates.

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  16. More intuitive relationship matching

    Relationship matching and routing works great IF the primary constituent mapped is already in RE.

    If the constituent is BRAND new then you are forced to go through the entire data flow for relationships even if the relationship is already in RE and is a 1:1 match. Meaning many unnecessary and inefficient additional clicks.

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  17. Add/Update Gift Data as part of PostOmatic Processing

    We often use PostOmatic (POM) to apply complex logic, concatenating data from multiple sources in RE to determine the final Debit/Credit accounts to which transactions should be written in our financial systems.

    There is no simple way to look at a gift in RE and say, "This is the Debit/Credit that was used."

    While the output data from POM can be re-imported to RE, currently, this is a secondary manual process. Could POM be updated to include an option for automatically adding the final Debit/Credit outputs to the source gift record?

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    Thanks for the idea JPP.  Can you be more specific about where you want the debit and credit used to be added back to the gift?  There are certainly limitations as to where data could be written back to the gift due to field size constraints as well as considering all of the output that is typically in Post to General Ledger files. 

    Here are a few more questions for consideration:

    What is the goal of having this data in RE/how would that data be used?

    Should there be any considerations if an adjustment is being posted due to adjustments creating reversing entries to reverse out what was previously posted and then having new journal entries created for the updated information?

    What other scenarios might we need to account for if we added a write-back feature?

    Thank you

    Steve Brewer

    Product Manager 

  18. Constant Contact Preference Updates

    It does not look like there is currently a way to reflect preference/interest updates from CC. You can see who is on a list, but there is no way to see if a contact has been removed or not on a list in CC.

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  19. Ability to remove special non-ASCII characters aka Emojis

    It would be helpful to be able to remove nonstandard characters or Emoticons using the "remove custom text" field.

    Use Case - Email subject lines often include these unreadable/unusable characters.

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  20. Add Classy payment type filter during import - paypal vs. stripe

    The ability to import paypal gifts only and then stripe gifts only would significantly help during import and reconciliation

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