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  2. Enhanced Mappable fields to Transformations

    This was a previous uservoice story but there are still gaps with usability with the if/then ability in transformations. Specifically with if/then/else, the cascading transformations are challenging to build out for most users outside of onboarding.

    The ability to include mapable fields directly to a transformation, outside of concatenated replace logic, would be very helpful and would allow for a more intuitive user experience. This is current functionality in P2GL and it would be helpful to have in Omatic Cloud as well.

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  3. Feedback requested for cascading toast notifications

    With the release on July 2, 2024, we greatly reduced the cascading toast notifications and moved the notifications to the center of the page, as to not impede with interactions within the application. We want to continue to make incremental updates to notifications, so we'd love your feedback!

    What information would you like to see in the notifications? Where and how would you like to access the notifications? How do you use the information to change a behavior or interaction within Omatic Cloud? What else?

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  4. Allow matching on fuzzy address formats

    Incoming address may be the same as existing, but with different format. We do not want to overwrite the existing address with one that has an incorrect address format and be constantly doing data clean up to correct. Need an option to only update address if it is different from existing address by a percentage. If it is 90% the same, then don't update address. OR it should give value update option, as it does if incoming title is different

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  5. Fuzzy text string matching

    Human beings are imperfect and ever-changing, and I expect OC to accommodate that variability the same way IOM does. If OC cannot find a potential Constituent or Relationship match between nearly identical strings like "Rachel Bailey" and "Rachael Bailey," then I'm forced to use IOM until it does. In the meantime, my organization is paying extra for a software that creates multiple duplicate Constituent, Relationship, and Address Records. See also

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  6. Add additional "Actions" to Ready Bucket

    Have the other actions that you can do in Needs Attention available in the ready bucket (ie. The Add, Override and Delete button).

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  7. Advanced address processing screen in the Omatic Cloud is needed

    We need an advanced address processing screen in the Omatic Cloud. Right now my choices are to import addresses without knowing if they are valid, or ignore addresses We also need to be able to update a new address while saving the old address as a former address. Why? People enter their addresses online incorrectly and sometimes on purpose. (I've seen people who don't include their house number or apartment number, or enter "nowhere" street.") If I allow address information to come in that doesn't match to their current address I could be overwriting good address info in RE with…

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  8. Add ability to specify the Constituent Code sequency (Primary Consituent Code) when adding or editing

    Blackback RENXT considers the first or top Constituent Code on a constituent record to be the primary code. This primary constituent code is automatically used in reporting and is the default on new gift records.

    We are requesting the ability to specify if a constituent code should be in the top spot when importing (creating or editing) a constituent record.

    The skyapi for constituents allows a sequence to be specified when creating or editing a constituent record however Omatic Cloud has not exposed access to specify a sequence value.

    The current behaviour appears to add a new constituent code to…

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  9. Add ability to only add certain mapped fields to new records

    We would like to be able to decide specific criteria only applicable for new records added, not existing. Similar to applying default settings to new records in Importomatic.


    -Add addressee/salutation styles to new records
    -Only add constituent code to new record
    -Only add preferred name to new record

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  10. Update FE NXT Batch Desicription on import error

    Post to GL creates the JE batch and then progresses through importing the transactions. If a transaction results in an error, Post to GL stops the import process—however, it may have completed a partial import, and that partial import may be "in balance."

    It would be helpful if, when Post to GL fails due to a transaction error, the JE batch description could be updated to append an error message so Finance is aware that the batch was not created successfully.

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  11. Exclude Administrators

    Currently, LO connector imports administrators to Raiser's Edge. However, you can't update Luminate Administrators with LO connector, which is good.

    The profile should ONLY work with constituents, NOT user accounts. Filtering out administrators should be an option without a group filter from the profile settings.

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  12. Review specific fields that don't match the source destination

    When importing we are overriding values in our destination system that we may not want to. For example, field X has a value of A in the source data and value of B in the destination - we'd like a way to review this prior to sending to the destination (similar to data differences) so we can make a choice if it's overridden or not. Ideally we'd be able to define these fields as they are unique to our organization and business rules.

    This is similar to the following idea but seemed a little different. Other idea:

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  13. Reprocess without Re-matching

    Currently, when editing a formula you need to reprocess the data for the changes to take effect. What would be nice is there was an option to reprocess the data without needing to do the rematching.

    For example, I edited a transformation after pulling in 100k records. Specifically updated the comments which is Defined not matched. Another example would be updating a transformation on a field that is not being matched by or routed by.

    So essentially is an field is not being used to match or to route, then there is no reason to have to re-do the record…

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  14. Request to add ability to use sub forms in VolunteerHub

    Current functionality is to use the "All Users" form when pulling fields for VolunteerHub. It would be nice to use subforms as sometimes we want to simplify the list of fields volunteers are selecting.

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  15. Integrations/Formulas | Mapping | Total Sum of Two Cells/Columns from an Import File

    Built-in feature that allows combining two column headings to create a total sum during the mapping process.

    Example: scenarios of summing platform fees and transaction fees.

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  16. Option to get user input when incoming data doesn't match existing data for specified fields

    We often have enough information to be confident that the incoming data matches a record in Salesforce. However, whether the better quality data for important fields is in Salesforce or the incoming data is unknown. So we can't confidently overwrite data without a manual validation.

    For example, P Ennals might match to Peter Ennals. I am happy this is a valid match and therefore want to set it as a ready record. However, I don't want P to overwrite Peter.

    The functionality could be such that I specify per formula which fields require manual validation. E.g. for records where name…

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  17. Enable Short vs Long Formatting for Address Lines

    Currently, the replace function will impact the entire string. Example: When formatting an address, 111 West 3rd Street, I want to replace West with W & Street with St. In this scenario, the current functionality will give me an output of “W”. I would like to request the functionality to replace individual elements of a string. Example: When formatting an address, 111 West 3rd Street, I’d like to replace both West with W and Street with St, giving me an output of 111 W 3rd St. Without this additional functionality it is impossible to keep aligned with our database standards…

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  18. Include non-mapped source fields in summary fields to help with decision making.

    We don't want to update fields in LO but want to see the source fields (which are not used in the mapping) in summary fields to assist in making decisions.

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