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281 results found

  1. Add NIN to Omatic cloud

    For importing Standing Order payments from the bank the only way we can link to Constituents is by a unique ref. We currently store this in the NIN field. Could we get this field added to the omatic cloud when it is added to the SKY API (raised with Blackbaud as well). Thanks

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  2. Organization Information in "Verify your account" email

    When adding a user to an account, it would be helpful to see the Org Name and potentially the tenant name associated with the email verification. The current email does not include any identifying information and makes confirming access challenging. It would be much easier for users to be able to directly click on the OC URL from the "Verify your email/account" email that is sent out when a user is given access to an OC instance.

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  3. Delete Field Value Using Dedicated Syntax

    We often have the need to delete/clear a field when importing. It would be great to have a dedicated syntax that we can map to indicate that the mapped field should be replaced with null.

    E.g. if we map {DELETE} it would remove the value in the field in Salesforce that we are updating, leaving it blank.

    This would allow blank fields to be ignored, whilst giving users a way to very intentionally delete a fields.

    Two examples:

    1) We have a file of donor data where invalid/incorrect email addresses and phone numbers have been flagged. We can therefore import…

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  4. Map to email comments in RE

    I would like the ability to write to the email comments field in RENXT through Omatic cloud.

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  5. Add ability to move data from BBCRM to Omatic Cloud using Export Definitions

    We are trying to move data between BBCRM and iModules Encompass using Omatic Cloud and would find it very beneficial to use export definitions to send data back and forth rather than queries. The reason is that with export definitions we can be specific about what data to send back and forth. For example, we use constituency to move data in Encompass from our main community to our sub-communities. Therefore we have a need to pull over constituency code. However, we only want to pull certain ones. In query, when we put constituency code in our output, it brings over…

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  6. Ability to ignore a record

    When pulling data into SF there are times when a user wants to ignore or skip a record and not pull it into SF. Use case for this is a list of contacts or oppts with a field value that indicates they are not valid or at the level required for adding to the SOR.

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  7. Add the option Send Page to Needs Attention 1:1

    Having the option to Send Page in 1:1 would be helpful.

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  8. A better Mailchimp ID?

    In doing some research in Mailchimp I noticed that there are other id fields that are visible in a contact export which is not the case for the Mailchimp ID. The fields are the EUID (unique identifier for a contact at the account level, across all audiences) and the LEID (unique identifier for a contact, specific to an audience). The LEID has the added benefit of being the ID listed in the URL when viewing a contact. When I look at my Omatic data mapping options, the EUID and LEID are not available for selection. Is it possible to get…

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  9. Ability to Write Back Transaction ID when Sending Offline Donations for Luminate and Classy

    I would like the ability to send back a transaction ID to an offline gift from either RENXT or SF to (LO or Classy).

    1. Allow for Filtering of Only Offline Donations from both Luminate and Classy Systems. This will allow us the ability to have formulas dedicated to updating offline donations back in SF. This would not work for RENXT since updating is not available.

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  10. RENXT Tags

    We would like to be able to use RENXT Tags for mapping to HubSpot. This field is currently available in NXT but not available in RENXT List to HubSpot formulas.

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  11. Ability to review all data being imported

    Any field that might be touched through the Omatic import should be displayed on one screen to be approved by the importer. The current data difference grid only shows a couple fields. We should have the ability to see the two side by side (current BBCRM data & new Form Data) and decide which to keep untouched, and which to update with new data, and also have the ability to make edits to the new data before import.

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  12. Add unmapped fields to grid options

    We would like to show an ID field in the grid options that isn't in both systems.

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  13. On the Post to GL 'View History' screen, add a column that shows how long a job took to run

    On the 'View History' screen, can we see how long a job took to run?

    Having the duration data would help clients be able to gauge the duration of future posting processes and even when they should be kicked-off, etc.

    Eg, if running 9K records took 80 minutes, and my next posting is 13K records, I should plan for it to take around 2 hours, etc.

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  14. Date Cleanup Format in mapping for Unix timestamps

    We have a handful of connectors, example Hubspot, that save dates in a Unix timestamp format. A cleanup for date fields that will automatically changes dates to this Unix timestamp format would be helpful when integrating with these connectors. This will reduce destination exceptions caused by date format issues.

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  15. Print out P2GL formulas

    Currently there is no ability to print out P2GL formula configuration or logic threads. Since formulas cannot currently be copied, they have to be replicated manually and the inability to print formula configuration tremendously hampers that effort. This is even true when working to apply logic from one client's formula to another -- since the logic thread cannot be printed, it's challenging to recreate from memory and/or to toggle back and forth between formulas/monitors, etc.

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  16. Omatic Cloud Encompass Transactions Merchant Account Filter

    We need a filter added to the Encompass transactions cloud connector to be able to filter by merchant account when creating a new transactions profile. It would be in the dropdown for "Do you need to filter the incoming data".

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  17. Archiving constituent attributes when changed by ImportOmatic

    This is a bit of a pie-in-the-sky (and specific) dream, but I'm going to put it out there nonetheless:

    We use Omatic Cloud to update values in an already-existing Constituent Attribute category. Currently, we can use Omatic Cloud to update the Constituent Attribute if the import has a different value than the existing value in the record. However, we want a way to archive the previous value when it is replaced (like how in ImportOmatic, old addresses can be switched to a different category when a new address is found). We've been able to build out a workaround by adding…

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  18. Ability to map Luminate online cross references via API in the Omatic Cloud

    Luminate stores values here for its web services and accessing them would make for more efficient, straight forward mapping in the Omatic formulas. Specifically, these cross-reference types would be most helpful to CHLA:

    - Donation Form Cross-Reference
    -Donation Options and Designations
    -TeamRaiser Cross-Reference

    Navigation in Luminate Online: Data Management / Import/Export / Cross-Reference Types

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  19. Matching records in Ready/1:1/1:N WITHOUT it updating the other system

    For example, in a Mailchimp to Raisers Edge connection, there should be an option when setting up a formula to use items for matching but that doesn't meant when the records are matched that Mailchimp updates RE.

    For instance, we have a lot of couples in our database, but they have separate emails so they have separate Mailchimp records. If somehow during triage/Needs Attention I miss that the names are different, or they go through to the Ready bucket and I miss it, then RE has been updated to 1 person's name thereby messing up the database.

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  20. Filter function in 1:1 and 1:N

    It would be wonderful to be able to not only discard/ignore certain records below a certain threshold, but it would be super helpful to add a filter function to the MATCH column to be able to filter by what the records are matching on. i.e. only pulling up those records that matched on Email, or Email and Name. This would be particularly helpful for the Mailchimp to Raisers Edge and vice versa formulas.

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