Omatic Cloud
281 results found
Update the Engaging Networks / Raiser's Edge connector to allow mapping to the Origin Source field in Engaging Networks
There is a field in Engaging Networks called Origin Source which shows what caused someone to sign up to our mailing list. I would like to be able to bring this information from EN to RE, as well as push information from RE to EN if we are uploading new records).
2 votesHi Sonia,
Thanks for your suggestion here. We are currently reviewing this idea. From our research it appears as though the Origin Source may only come from the Bulk Export API (which is what Omatic uses to pull data from Engaging Networks) on the transaction that created the constituent in Engaging Networks. I am trying to find more information about this. As a result, I want to confirm how you intend to use this field so we can be sure we are considering your use case.
Can you share when you intend to use this origin source data? Is this donation transactions or some other type of transaction that you are pulling from Engaging Networks that you hope to have this field available to use? Anything else you can share about your intent and intended use would be helpful.
Thanks again.
Steve Brewer
3 votes
Additional Matching Options for HubSpot
Currently, there only search scenarios for HubSpot are 1) Email/ID 2) Email 3) ID/Name 4) ID
The issue with this is that many RENXT records have multiple emails and that is showing up as a new record in HubSpot. Additionally, the ID match is only HubSpot Contact ID. It would be very helpful to have an ID match that allows various IDs like RENXT Lookup ID/Constituent ID.
A Name search scenario would also be helpful
1 vote -
Separate formula Type for HubSpot Email Subscriptions
Currently, the HubSpot formula "Contacts" handles all subscription information. Could this information to be handled separately in a stand alone formula since the "Contacts" formula handles all changes, not just email subscription changes.
The current process is noisy and creates a high volume of records that are unrelated to email subscription changes. This is also problematic for the HubSpot connector given API hits.
4 votesWe are planning to add this feature in Q4 2023!
Classy Transaction Type in the connector section
We need to have the Classy transaction type from the payout report in the connector.
3 votes -
HubSpot Company Object Formula
Currently, we are only able access data from the Contacts object. It will be helpful to also include the Company object or have separate Company based formulas for this connector.
1 vote -
RENXT Record Type Displayed in Buckets
It would be helpful to see what kind of record type (Constituent/Non-constituent/Relationship) a record was while reviewing in the 1-Many matches bucket. This would speed up the process of determining which record is the correct match. This could be done through an extra column (that might be hidden if not wanted) or font formatting.
9 votes -
New Records Duplicate Creation
If multiple rows come in for the same person and are routed to the " New Records" bucket because a match is not found in destination, clicking "Send All/Page" sometimes creates duplicate contacts/constituents. We need matching capabilities in the New Records bucket to prevent duplication if all bio data matches exactly.
Currently, the work around is to ensure a unique ID is populated, so that any new records that are duplicates will be sent to exceptions. Those exceptions then need to be reprocessed in order to match. However, this only works when a unique ID field is available from the…
7 votes -
It would be an improvement if we could have Payout date as an option for mapping.
When bringing gifts over from classy the GL post date is not matching our deposit dates and this is causing issues with finance. If we had the ability to map the payout date to the GL post date that would make the financial process cleaner and much smoother without manual global changes.
3 votes -
additional -- useful -- logic operators in P2GL
Can we add some additional -- useful -- logic operators to P2GL?
*Not Blank
*Does Not ContainBlank and Not Blank are especially useful. Today, without them, we're forced to use 'Equal' or 'Does Not Equal' and then compare that to an unpopulated field. Sometimes, however, if there are spaces in a field, it might look to be blank but isn't really.
All and all, it's just safer and more efficient to have 'Blank' and 'Not Blank' operators.
'Does Not Contain' is useful for working against alphanumeric data, and would prevent needing to use more complicated 'If/Then' or 'True/False'…
5 votes -
Post to GL outputs for FE NXT
The formula template for posting to FE NXT does not furnish any options for the output files that the formula generates (other than the actual batch in FE NXT). Since a Post-to-GL user may not have direct access to the destination FE NXT system, those output files are very valuable for analysis and troubleshooting.
Currently, they come out as .txt files, which makes analysis challenging even when using an advanced editor. Can the output file that represents the created FE batch be output in .csv format? Or, could the user building the formula be given an option for the format…
2 votes -
Use Bulk API for updating EN
Use the bulk api to upload audiences from Raisers Edge to increase throughput
3 votes -
Add Formula Schedule Changes to Activity History
It looks like most formula edits are included in Activity History, except for Schedule changes.
1 vote -
Custom Fields in Every Action Connector on Contributions
It looks like custom fields are available for Contributions in the EveryAction connector, but we can't access the Contribution custom fields that are available on the Recurring Commitment formulas. Example--we're looking for a custom "Fund" field that has been created to further breakout gifts, but we are not able to map to this right now for recurring commitments. The custom field is available on the contribution.
1 vote -
Ability to remove special non-ASCII characters aka Emojis
It would be helpful to be able to remove nonstandard characters or Emoticons using the "remove custom text" field.
Use Case - Email subject lines often include these unreadable/unusable characters.
4 votes -
Ability to Schedule Exports from RE/NXT
It would make life a lot easier to be able to schedule an export so that data can be shared with another data system without having to do it manually.
1 vote -
Adding HubSpot Alternate Email
It looks like right now for the RENXT to HubSpot formula we only have the option to update the existing email on a HubSpot contact. We'd like the ability to add an alternate email address to the existing HubSpot contact.
1 vote -
HubSpot additional Properties under Email Information Group
For the RENXT Constituents to HubSpot formula--right now it looks like we only have access to 2 fields under the Email Information Group: "Email address quarantine reason" and "Legal basis for processing contact's data". Additional subscription information can be kept under this Group to indicate a user's interests so that we can create specific email lists, but we can't access them right now.
1 vote -
Classy Transaction Filters
I would like to include the following filters in the Classy Transaction Endpoint:
- Company Gifts based on if Company is provided or Individual Gifts Based on if Company is not provided.
- Only Recurring Donations or Only Individual Gifts
- Status: Include Succesful or Pending(ACH)
- Date filters Refund Date, Date Modified, Date Added, or Payout Date.
2 votes -
Search Functionality in 1:1, 1:Many, New Record Queues
It would be helpful to search function across all the record queues to find certain points of data. This could operate similar to a Ctrl F but across all pages within that bucket.
4 votes
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